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School physics
This collection of resources look at many different investigations that can be undertaken with A-level students and covers many required practical pieces of work, alongside other activities which offer alternatives to commonly used work. Lots build on the work students will have done lower down in school and cover lots of apparatus and technique skills too.
Melde’s experiment
This is a standard standing waves investigation, where you hang masses off an elasticated piece of wire/string to see how this impacts the vibrations. It is good to provide this in the everyday context of a guitar or violin string and you can look at altering the length of the wire or the masses hung on it.
...Moment of inertia of a flywheel
An interesting investigation to see what factors can affect the moment of inertia of a flywheel. This is good to discuss errors in measurements (such as counting rotations) and would be good to develop improvements.
This resource has been provided by Keith Gibbs.
Newton’s rings
A detailed investigation to measure the wavelength of sodium light. This could be tied into red shift and the absorption spectrum. Some specific equipment like a travelling microscope is required but should be accessible for most.
Ohm’s law
The aim of this investigation is to see the variation of current with applied voltage for two bulbs and compare with Ohm’s Law. The ones recommended here are a 12V lamp and a small neon bulb. You can then plot graphs of resistance against voltage to compare the two.
This resource has been provided by Keith...