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School physics
This collection of resources look at many different investigations that can be undertaken with A-level students and covers many required practical pieces of work, alongside other activities which offer alternatives to commonly used work. Lots build on the work students will have done lower down in school and cover lots of apparatus and technique skills too.
Geiger tube characteristics
This is a simple investigation where you connect a Geiger Muller tube to a variable voltage supply. You then place an alpha source in front of it and record the count rate for a variety of supply voltages to see how this impacts the count rate.
This resource has been provided by Keith Gibbs.
GHz oscillations
In this investigation you will use a GHz oscillations transmitter and receiver to see how different factors affect the signal received. The two main ways are altering the distance between the transmitter and receiver, or keeping this distance the same and altering the angle of the transmitter. An example of graphs...
Half-life dice
This is the classic investigation which demonstrates the idea of radioactive decay and half-life. There are lots of variations of this, but this one looks at using dice and removing those with a number 6. You then plot the graph to work out the ‘half-life’ of the blocks. This is a good investigation to make ...
The half-life of water
In this investigation, using a tall tube filled with water, you let the water out the bottom of the tube, into a beaker/sink. You will record the level of the water at set intervals (every 5 or 10 seconds for example). You will then repeat this a couple of times and plot your average water level against time. You...