Resources by School Physics

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Beta ray absorption

An investigation looking at how beta radiation is absorbed when it passes through different thicknesses of aluminum.  From this you can then calculate the absorption coefficient for aluminum.  When doing this investigation please ensure you have followed CLEAPSS guidance or the safety body for your country.  This...

Deflection tube

For this A-level investigation students use a deflection tube to measure the specific charge for the electron.  This worksheet provides step-by-step guidance and the calculations that are required to make this measurement.

This resource has been provided by Keith Gibbs.

Double beam tube

Like the Deflection tube investigation this allows A-level students to measure the specific charge for an electron. It provides a step-by-step guide, along with the calculations that are required to find this measurement.

This resource has been provided by Keith Gibbs.

Finding g – helical spring

By using a helical spring and varying the mass on the end of it, students can time the period of oscillation to calculate the acceleration due to gravity.  This can be done by plotting the extension (e) by the time period squared (T2).  This would be good to use computer software to assist with this....

Finding g – water path in gravity

By using a constant head apparatus or similar you will investigate the shape of a water path projected through the gravitational field of the Earth to find the acceleration due to gravity. This would benefit from using slo-mo filming or photography, or even to introduce students to a travelling microscope.


Finding g-linear air track

This investigation uses a linear air track that is tilted to a slope to calculate the acceleration of an object due to gravity.  SUVAT can be used to calculate this value, and datalogging, especially using light gates can be used. Students can also use a protractor to measure angles which can be varied.


Flow of electrical charge

The aim of this experiment is to investigate the velocity of charged ions in an electric field. This is of the same order as the drift velocity of electrons in a wire under the influence of the same field.  A variety of analysis and conclusions that can be draw are provided.

This resource has been provided...

Frequency of the mains

This simple investigation can be linked to standing waves and builds on work done at GCSE.  In it students look at sending a current through a wire, suspended in a magnet which causes it to oscillate.  From this they can work out the frequency of the mains supply.  They can alter wire length and tension to see if...

Fresnel Bi-prism

In this A-level investigation students can calculate the wavelength of sodium light using a Fresnel Bi-prism. A micrometre eyepiece is required for this but most of the equipment is readily available, and the worksheet provides simple guidance on how to measure this.

This resource has been provided by Keith...

Fusing currents in wires

This investigation can be used at GCSE or A-level and is looking at how different factors affect when a piece of wire will break when a current is passed through it. Students can alter the length of wire, the type of wire, the thickness of wire and see how this affects the value of current at which the wire breaks...


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