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School physics
This collection of resources look at many different investigations that can be undertaken with A-level students and covers many required practical pieces of work, alongside other activities which offer alternatives to commonly used work. Lots build on the work students will have done lower down in school and cover lots of apparatus and technique skills too.
Photoelectric effect
This is a common investigation using a bulb and coloured filters to determine the value of Planck’s constant (h). An oscilloscope is required and advice on the settings required are given.
This resource has been provided by Keith Gibbs.
Radius of gyration
In this investigation you roll a cylinder down a slope to see how altering the inclination of the slope affects its speed to calculate the radius the gyration (k) from the given equation. This would fit in well to circular motion.
Resistivity of metal wires
This builds on from GCSE work on resistance to investigate the resistivity of a series of metals in the form of wires. This is common and simple investigation where students can look at developing their measuring skills, especially with calculating the area of the wires.
Searles bar: thermal conductivity of copper
This investigation fits in well in material properties where you can investigate and determine the thermal conductivity of a good conductor such as copper. Searle’s Bar apparatus is required for this, but you could develop your own by looking at CLEAPPS for advice.