UK schools celebrate Tim's return
Two weeks ago Tim Peake landed back on Earth with a bang. Since returning he has been subjected to medical checks and rehabilitation at the European Astronaut Centre in Germany.
More exciting than the British astronaut’s return to Earth is the news that he will be back in the UK within the next fortnight.
Schools around the UK celebrated Tim’s return with creative space events; one school in particular even had fifteen minutes of fame on ITV’s Good Morning Britain.
Westbourne Primary School, Tim Peake’s former primary school in West Sussex, designed and built a space junk sculpture of a rocket to celebrate Tim’s mission to the International Space Station. They contacted their space ambassador from Airbus Space and Defence and asked if they could donate appropriate space junk to construct the sculpture. As a result of this they became part of the ESERO-UK Tim Peake Primary Project which uses space to increase the engagement of primary school children with STEM subjects: science, design and technology, engineering and mathematics.
Throughout Tim Peake’s time in space, engaging with young people and encouraging them to study STEM subjects has been a key part of his Principia mission and Tim is keen for this to continue.
Westbourne Primary received an ESERO-UK Tim Peake grant in round 2 of the scheme. They also worked with a local journalist and feature film producer to produce a video to welcome Tim home.
“I have been so impressed by how Tim’s mission and the project has brought our community together and has inspired our children. I am sure that some of our children will be encouraged to go down the STEM route as a result.” Steven Potter, Head Teacher.
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