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In this Teaching Astronomy and Space video, produced by the Institute of Physics (IOP), Teachers TV and Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), Don Pollacco introduces us to SuperWASP, one of the most successful exoplanet finding instruments in the world....


This animated clip explains how planets outside our solar system are difficult to see because they get lost in the glare of the star they orbit. The clip briefly mentions Doppler shift, dimming through transit as detection techniques that enable us to infer what the planet is made of, and explains what the...

Mass of an exoplanet from radial velocity

Produced by the Royal Observatory Greenwich, this booklet shows how the Doppler effect and the radial velocity of an exoplanet can be used to calculate its mass. Included is an online video that demonstrates the Doppler effect using a portable speaker and discusses how it can be applied to a distant exoplanet....

space:uk - March 2009, Issue 27

From the UK Space Agency, this issue of Space:UK magazine contains news and features on: * The satellite investigating the Earth’s gravity and helping us to understand our changing climate. * A satellite to make broadband available to the remotest corners of the UK. * What are the chances of getting hit by an...

These videos are excerpts from the We Are Aliens! planetarium show. They provide good starter activities for looking at life within our universe. They explore life within our solar system and the Earth and other planets that may contain life. The exoplanets videos go on to look at the possibilities of life outside...

Naked Astronomy

Produced by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), these naked Scientist podcasts look at physics questions in an amusing but also informative way.

The oldest light in the Universe • The Planck mission which measures the cosmic microwave background. • Mapping the surface of...


Finding exoplanetsExoplanets are planets outside our own solar system. Find out how scientists use ingenious methods to spot them.

Goldilocks zoneFinding the right conditions to support life is a delicate...

Big Telescopes

A global family of giant telescopes - on the ground and in space - provides an inspirational context for STEM learning. This collection of resources linked in to astronomy cover the following topics within the curriculum: telescopes, the electromagnetic spectrum, infra-red, redshift and Doppler shift, image...

The video clips in this collection are a collaboration between Teachers TV, the Institute of Physics and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). Each features a current scientist explaining an aspect of their field of expertise. The topics covered include: * Models of the Solar System * Saturn and the...

This collection of fourteen 60 second animated clips were produced by the Open University, and funded by the Science Technology Facilities Council. They focus on cutting edge topics within astrophysics in a humorous and easily accessible way. The animations cover topics such as the Big Bang, the expansion of the...
