Showing results for "Forces and motion"

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This is one of a suite of continuing professional development (CPD) units from the Department for Education covering the five ‘key ideas’ at Key Stage Three (cells, interdependence, particles, forces and energy). It links with the 2002 Framework for Teaching Science:...

This set of four profiles of UK industries give an overview of each one and is designed for students to gain an insight into careers available to people who have studied STEM subjects. The industries featured are the nuclear power, pharmaceutical, renewable energy and maritime industry.

Each profile includes...

Scientists must design and evaluate many ways of extracting water from the lunar permafrost before planning lunar colonies and manned missions using the moon as a base.

In this activity students will construct a solar water collector. Using the collector, students will collect and calculate the amount of...

The first Student Workbook for Nuffield Physical Science began with an extensive introduction to this novel course for students. The Workbook was not designed as a textbook. The content of each section was arranged on the same plan, and each contained four types of...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), looks at how the boomerang works from design and scientific principles. Students explore how aerodynamic forces affect the flight of objects, relate the design features of the boomerang to its path...

These three case studies look at aspects of the Rolls-Royce business and how it expands and develops its activities through acquisition plans, knowledge of it's place in a competitive world and partnerships with other organisations. The case studies were produced by the Times and was part of a series investigating...

This resource, from the Microbiology Society, gives an overview of the microbes that cause traveller’s diarrhoea (TD), how the infection is transmitted, how it is treated and how it can be prevented. TD is the most common illness that affects international travellers and each year 20–60% of globetrotters, an...

Produced by the Centre for Science Education, this Science Assessment Task for More Able Students, comprises of two investigations with a space-related theme. Students investigate what needs to be considered if humans are to colonise our solar system.

They look at:

* forces and the force of gravity...

This resource describes how engineers at Rolls Royce apply physics and chemistry in the development of their engines, including how materials behave in extreme conditions, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, the use of computer modelling to look at forces and energy transfers, and the use of maths in performance...

The second Student Workbook for Nuffield Physical Science began with an extensive introduction to this novel course for students. The Workbook was not designed as a textbook.

The content of each section was arranged on the same plan, and each contained four types of material: 'Introduction', passages of '...

This lesson introduces students to the effects of climate change on glaciers. The resource sheet gives information what a glacier is, how they are formed and what the different types are. A card sort game is included, asking students to match terms to explanations, separate glacial inputs and outputs and place in...

Air pollutants arise from natural processes and human activities. In this SATIS Revisited resource, students investigate air pollution, how it is monitored and some effects on human health. Air pollutants arise from a wide variety of sources, although they are mainly a result of the combustion process. It is easy...

In this STEMNET case study, STEM Ambassador Peter Damer talks about his work with socially, emotionally and behaviourally disturbed primary school students in Hertfordshire.

Peter had previously been a teacher and, having given up teaching to move into industry, he found that he missed working with students...

The University of York Science Education Group ensured that all the Science in the Environment packs were organised according to broad environmental themes. Within each pack, a number of specific contexts were used to introduce the science content. In addition, each...
