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The Propagator project introduces students to hydraulic systems and their inner workings. Using a...

Mobile app development is an engaging way for students to learn programming and interface design as many do, indeed, "love their smartphone".

This complete learning package teachers the origins and development of the smartphone, helping them to appreciate the amount of technology packed into their pocket. It...


This IET DIY Faraday Challenge asks students to design and prototype a product or process involved in creating the James Webb Space Telescope. Your design must include an electric circuit and should be designed as a working prototype.


Most of the food we buy comes packed in plastic, cardboard or tins and jars, but why? Children explore this question, by investigating the properties of...

Students explore chicken and human health in relation to microorganisms. To do this, they will learn and use microbiological techniques to examine the microbial load of chicken meat. Then they will carry out a survey into chicken consumption, look at alternative protein sources and explore chicken husbandry at home...

Designed for students who have advanced through Scratch and are ready for additional challenge, this resource explores Build Your Own Blocks (BYOB) as a tool for learning modular programming using procedures. 

After examining, briefly, the history of the computer and the Turing Test as a measure of their...


Jassel Majevadia is currently completing a PhD which will contribute to the safety of nuclear energy. Working on her Mac in coffee shops at Imperial College, she is able to apply her knowledge of mathematics and physics to perform new calculations and improve understanding of the way in which tiny bits of materials...

Jo Shien Ng works to develop more and more sensitive electrical components called 'avalanche photodiodes' used in everything from satellites that look at the Earth from space, to body scanners in hospitals and airports. She does this by applying an understanding of the behaviour of materials developed through...

