- View more resources from this publisherScience and Technology Facilities Council - UKRI
Key Stage Three: Anthrax Lessons
In this resource from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)'s Seeing Science website, students use data and evidence to identify a mystery disease, watch a cartoon on the history of vaccination which will allow them to answer questions on Jenner's work and role play the outbreak of a 'new' disease. As part of the lesson, the students watch a video clip showing an epidemic spread by the water supply and complete the 'Outbreak' computer simulation where the decisions they take will affect the number of deaths and costs involved. The starter for lesson two must come at the end of lesson one as the 'Outbreak' simulation takes a whole hour to complete. STFC is a part of the Research Councils UK (RCUK) partnership of research councils.
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Lesson plan 1 62.32 KB
Lesson 1 teachers' notes 54.3 KB
Students' evidence card 30.57 KB
Students' information sheet 53.64 KB
Lesson 1: activity sheet 38.43 KB
Anthrax molecular model 39.83 KB
Outbreak 4.6 MB