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This lengthier activity involves designing and creating a simple computer game using the free Microsoft Kodu platform. It is expected that the children will have some prior experience of Kodu, or that a basic tutorial is offered before commencing this activity. Worksheets are provided that help children through the...

This activity introduces children to the Kodu games programming environment through tinkering. They are asked to experiment with an existing game code, and also to start from a blank screen.


These datasets from stats4schools are compiled from the responses given by over 1,500 people to a survey. They are intended to be used flexibly but some ideas are given to guide students in their interrogations. There are three sheets in each set

  1. Decoded data
  2. An explanation of the questions...

This book produced by the team behind the Magpi magazine and the Raspberry Pi contains a series of projects suitable for students of all ages. It consists of 13 chapters which start off by introducing students to Scratch on the Raspberry Pi, it then builds up the complexity of the tasks chapter on chapter. A brief...

This report aimed to identify practical examples of good practice that promote good behaviour and that can be adopted by all schools. The authors identified aspects of practice that create the right conditions for good behaviour to be learnt. The authors further comment that whilst school staff work hard to support...

One of the series of Royal Institution Christmas lectures focusing on Bayes’ theorem. The topic of the resource is an investigation into stolen chocolate biscuits so would make an interesting end of term diversion.

This edition of the Computing at School newsletter focuses on Computational Thinking, and contains articles covering:

*The importance of computational thinking


This is one of a series of resources to support the use of the BBC micro:bit. This resource focusses on pupils designing, programming and using a BBC micro:bit to complete the mission challenge to find out more about the planet Mars.

In this activity pupils will make use of the BBC micro:bit to design and...

In this adaptable lesson plan by Barefoot Computing, children create a simple model (out of Lego or similar) and then take photos to create instructions (an algorithm) for other children to recreate their model. By removing one block at a time they are decomposing the problem into manageable steps. Teachers may...

In this activity SEND pupils will learn to create a clear algorithm for someone else to follow. Pupils will create a simple model from Lego and then take photographs to create a visual algorithm to help other pupils to recreate their model. As they remove one block at a time they are learning to decompose a problem...

In this activity children learn what an algorithm is and explore what makes good instructions for an algorithm. They work as a team to create their own algorithms to guide each other across a grid of squares avoiding set obstacles. The activity uses the context of Mars exploration, as they role-play the ExoMars...

In this activity children create an algorithm or a sequence of instructions. They test and debug their algorithms and refine them to improve how well they work. Working together they play a game, instructing the ExoMars rover, Rosalind Franklin, to reach the drilling station, avoiding crashing into other rovers....

In this activity children use and create flow charts and are introduced to the idea of loops to repeat instructions. The activity uses the context of Mars exploration, with children using their instructions to help guide the ExoMars rover across the surface of Mars.

This activity has been provided by ESERO-...

In this activity children explore how images are stored and communicated by computers (including robots and rovers). They learn how a picture is made up of pixels and how each pixel is coded for by a number code, which is then converted into an image. Children learn about Binary code and how it is used to represent...

In this activity children are introduced to decision trees and their use in computing algorithms. Working together they consider how a decision tree might support the navigation of the ExoMars rover searching for a suitable place to drill.  They then role-play the rover and follow the decision tree instructions,...
