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These diagnostic questions and response activities (contained in the zip file) support students in being able to:

  • Recognise that a catalyst increases the rate of formation of new substances by increasing the rate of a chemical reaction.           
  • Recognise that increasing the surface area of...

This short ...

These diagnostic questions and response activities (contained in the zip file) support students in being able to:

  • Recognise that a reactant added in excess will still be present in the final reaction mixture.         
  • Recognise that some chemical reactions are reversible.
  • Recognise...

Di-deoxy sequencing is a way to determine the order of bases (A,C,G and T) in a piece of DNA. A set of 4 lanes (one for each base) is needed to sequence any given piece of DNA. Wherever a black
band appears in a particular lane that base is present. By reading off the order of bands across the four lanes the...

From cinchona to coffee, humans have exploited properties of plants. But does our favouritism or misuse turn these plants into heroes and villains? Explore the plants that provide us with essential products, from food to medicines and insecticides.

In this resource children are encouraged to find out about the impact craters left behind after meteorite collisions. The investigation includes exploring whether different kinds of meteorite make different kinds of crater. Children will also investigate the size of impact craters made by meteorites dropped from...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

Becoming professionally registered is an important milestone for any technician. It proves your knowledge, understanding and competence as a technicians and looks great on your CV. We’ve put together this resource to support higher education technicians with funding bodies who can offer them professional...

During her first chemistry experiments in secondary school, ...

In the third activity of the Superpillars Assemble, pupils learn about the important role of butterfly and moth caterpillars in the food chain through a narrated PowerPoint presentation. Children carry out an activity to explore the impact of a farmer spraying insecticide on the plant that the caterpillar eats, on...

Meet Frankie the flamingo and her assorted sidekicks as they unravel the mystery of the sinking flamingo. This resource provides a narrated picture book video, which explains what happens to rainwater and wastewater once it enters the sewers and how water is supplied to buildings. Included are activity sheets which...

This Catalyst article discusses the science behind motivation in sport. Self-efficacy has been shown to have a strong influence on performance in athletes, with those who believe in themselves generally attaining more success than those who are plagued with self-doubt. Psychologists are developing theories to...

Scientists at the University of Oxford are investigating different ways that information that we share on social media sites can be used by others. Sometimes the information can be useful, for instance providing information on an unfolding event, but it could be used...

Image result for 'A' level physics volume 1: mechanics and heat chapple


This book is the first of three volumes which together provide the 'A' level physics student with an accurate and...
