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Produced by ARKive this resource aimed at key stage two is a collection of eight animal symmetry worksheets. Children are asked to complete the reflection of various animals to show that they exhibit reflective symmetry. Each sheet also includes an image of the animal and key facts about it. The resource uses four...

This Pedagogics resource uses the following quote from the Chinese philosopher Confucius: "Tell me...and I will forget. Show me... and I will remember. Involve me... and I will understand"

This resource looks at extremes of temperature on the Earth, and inside and outside the International Space Station. Students must find data, draw bar graphs and perform conversions from Fahrenheit to Celsius.

A presentation highlighting seven strategies for behaviour management.

This Association for Science Education (ASE) resource from the SYCD: Science Year Primary collection provides a template for a successful bridging topic between primary and secondary schools.

Passport can also be used as a stand alone activity in Year Six to help students focus on their investigative skills...

Within this resource, learners will work in groups of four, use their mathematical skills and scientific knowledge to help plan for an expedition to the Antarctic in 3 sessions.  They will consider the appropriate clothing, food and other essential equipment they will need to take with them.  Learners will also use...

This activity introduces children to simulations - modelling or acting out real-world, or maybe imaginary, situations. Linking to the teaching of space, it asks what factors need to be considered when simulating the solar system. Out of these, the children then decide what the most important things to include in...

This resource by Pedagogics explores subtle adjustments to teacher's language in order to be less emotive, more objective-led and promote progress.