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These materials from the National Strategies were developed during a Wave 3 mathematics pilot with 27 LEAs. Feedback influenced the revision of the teaching materials and their presentation in the pack.

The materials...

These resources were designed by the National Strategies as Year Nine Easter holiday resources in preparation for Key Stage Three SATS. The target group is level four to five borderline students. The exercises were intended to be done every weekday of the holidays (10 days) with ten minutes spent on each set (...

In this activity students examine the Olympic 100m winning times from 1928 to 2012. Both men's and women's times show an improvement. The challenge is how to show that there is an improving trend and to show which times show the most improvement. Scatter graphs,...

This assessment task from Bowland asks students to use mathematical reasoning to estimate the number of descendants a girl who lived 110 years ago might have today. The key processes involved are representing, analysing, communicating and reflecting. Students are given a number of basic facts upon which to base...

This seemingly simple prompt leads to a rich task which students can explore in a variety of ways.

Lesson notes 1...

This resource contains a series of interactive spreadsheets designed to demonstrate various teaching points and to provide practice in 2D and 3D shapes and their properties at primary level. They are:


This seemingly simple prompt leads to a rich task that can be developed in a number of different ways.

Lesson notes...

Published in January 1980, this report sets out preliminary views on the form that a framework for the proposed National Curriculum should take and the ground it should cover. The ideas were presented to start a consultation process, leading to a curriculum that would apply to schools nationally and promote...

This resource from Ofsted accompanies the survey report Tackling the challenge of low numeracy skills in young people and adults, published in April 2011, and summarises the characteristics of good practice in adult numeracy tutors under the following headings...

Published by LSIS, this guide is intended for learning providers who want to help care workers develop better mathematics skills at work. The guide is divided into two parts. Part 1 identifies the mathematics that care workers use at work, offers an overview of the adult social care sector, considers attitudes to...

A look ahead is a short weaving guide from the Nuffield Mathematics Project intended mainly for teachers of older students in upper primary and lower secondary.

The object of the guide was to re-state the aims and methods of the project in the light of experience so far, and to consider some of the problems...

This aim of this resource is to help teachers to support students to acquire the skills required to analyse data and interpret trustworthy information from data. They are designed to be flexible and adaptable with the data providing the stimulation for interrogation and...

This Core Maths activity explores how the production of a doll's house can be organised by using a Gantt chart. The objective of the activity is for students to produce a Gantt chart for a project of their own choice. No specific prior knowledge of Gantt charts is needed,...

Discover the history of the Core Maths qualifications, the reasons behind the qualification and the benefits to students studying it. The documents below include details of the UCAS points awarded to the qualification and information on the awarding organisations.

The resources also include details of how...

This set of Cre8ate maths activities asks pupils to explore the ways in which their classroom and school can be made wheelchair accessible. If all the activities are attempted, the topic will be an extended one. Mathematical connections involve making sense of plans and diagrams through interpreting scale diagrams...
