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This resource looks at the effective use of low energy light bulbs and how they have enabled the waterfront at Durban in South Africa to be transformed. The first activity sets the scene by showing how lighting is not only a technical process but has a social impact too. It then presents students with the challenge...

This collection of resources, from the National Physical Laboratory, sets a number of measurement challenges for students that can be performed in their own homes, or in school. 

All resources contain an explanatory video and a downloadable worksheet. 


Measuring the diameter of our star This simple exercise allows students to measure the diameter of the Sun using a metre rule and two pieces of card. An image of the Sun needs to be projected on the card using a small hole in one piece of card.

Measuring the number of hours in a day...

This activity booklet uses the real life context of air traffic control using radar signals to identify the position of an aeroplane that students act out. It provides them with an opportunity to use their knowledge of waves and speed = distance / time to calibrate and calculate the distance a plane is from the...

From NASA, these activities look at the scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical foundations of rocketry to provide exciting classroom opportunities for authentic hands-on experimentation. Rockets have formed the basis of space exploration.

Extensive teachers' notes, guidance and lesson plans...

These resources were developed by the South East Physics Network SEPnet. They include a resource with multiple activities that focus on topics in the Key Stage Three and Four Physics syllabus and a number of resources that use different sports as a context to engage students in scientific investigation.


This Cre8ate maths activity draws on measuring stretchiness which involves the collection of real data, calculating percentages and experimental design. This resource models one way in which engineers use their knowledge of mathematics to investigate the properties of materials. Here students investigate the...

Sun|trek is an educational website about the Sun, our star, and its effect on the Earth's environment. It has been produced by a team of solar research scientists, working with teachers and educators. It is closely linked to the UK school curriculum Sun|trek have produced projects for schools, at Key Stage 4, using...

This book provides a range of easy-to-do magic tricks based on Chemistry, Physics, Engineering and Mathematics.

The video features Richard Garriott on Science and Magic and shows how the properties of ferofluid can exploited to create a magic trick.
