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This resource, produced by ARKive, is designed to teach Key Stage Two children about the strategies animals adopt to survive winter in temperate zones and about the adaptations exhibited by animals in the polar regions. Children compare these strategies and identify similarities and differences in the ways animals...

In this resource learners will use Scratch, to debug and then improve a program to move Autosub6000 around the ocean floor, photographing samples found.   The remote movement will be controlled through a keyboard’s arrow keys initially and then the children will be challenged to create a program which will move...

In this activity, students create colour images from satellite data. This allows them to study how different surfaces reflect different wavelengths of light, how coloured images are created using an RGB model, and how band combinations can be chosen to examine a particular landscape effectively.

In this activity, students learn about heat transfer from jet engine turbine blades. The blades reach temperatures as high as 1000 ºC. How do the blades cool, and how do scientists measure the rate of cooling at such high temperatures?


In this activity, students synthesise prior learning about structure and bonding, and about enzymes, and apply it to a new context: X-ray crystallography. The main part of the activity involves students pitching for funding for new equipment – how will they use the...


This KS2 resource supports learning about how living things can be classified into groups scientifically. Activities are based around tasks carried out in the ‘real world’ by scientists working for organisations such as Fera.

Activities include:


This lesson, from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), looks in particular at how infrared data is collected and used to measure changes in global temperature. Infrared radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum of light which has uses in astronomy, communications, surveillance and medicine...

In this activity, student groups become multidisciplinary teams of hospital staff working on new leaflets or videos to help patients prepare for MRI brain scans.  Through the activity, students enrich their understanding of the brain as an organ, and apply their...

Produced by the Charles Darwin Trust, these materials will help children to observe and understand their natural environment. In doing so, they will develop their skills of observation, communication and interpretation.

The activities help children to:
* Recognise how Darwin looked at the natural...

In this resource learners will explore why scientists are engaged in research at the bottom of the Antarctic and Arctic Oceans. They will understand the importance of collecting samples of organisms...

The development of the jet engine is engineering at its most extreme. In this activity, students analyse data to choose materials with suitable properties for different parts of the jet engine.  


Within this resource, learners will work in groups of four, use their mathematical skills and scientific knowledge to help plan for an expedition to the Antarctic in 3 sessions.  They will consider the appropriate clothing, food and other essential equipment they will need to take with them.  Learners will also use...

