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Di-deoxy sequencing is a way to determine the order of bases (A,C,G and T) in a piece of DNA. A set of 4 lanes (one for each base) is needed to sequence any given piece of DNA. Wherever a black
band appears in a particular lane that base is present. By reading off the order of bands across the four lanes the...

A Bridge too Many, from the Centre for Science Education, is a set of teaching materials which offer a cross-curricular approach to learning about engineering. The context for the activities is a challenge based on a large model bridge that has been pre-constructed using prefabricated components, with weak pins...

Standards Unit: Improving Learning in Mathematics activity templates.


  • Table: 2 columns x 4 rows
  • Table: 2 columns x 8 rows
  • Dominoes
  • Table: 4 columns x 4 rows
  • Table: 2 columns x 3 rows Landscape
  • Table: 3 column portrait
  • Hexagonal...

This learning resource is an introduction to programming with Python. Versions are included for Python 2.7 and Python 3. The fundamentals of programming are covered: • Arithmetic operations • Data types • Control flow As well as some more advanced techniciques including the use of: • Regular Expressions • Files •...

The output from an automated DNA sequencing robot used by the Human Genome Project to determine the complete human DNA sequence. Each peak shows the presence of a particular base. The sequence of bases in a given stretch of DNA can therefore be read from the order of the peaks along the trace. The sequences of...

A Catalyst article about biologists looking for patterns in the distribution of barnacle species on the sea shore. Barnacles are arthropods which live as tiny larvae in the sea and then cement themselves, head down, on suitable rocks, build a shell, poke their legs out of the top of it and start to filter feed. The...

In this activity, students create colour images from satellite data. This allows them to study how different surfaces reflect different wavelengths of light, how coloured images are created using an RGB model, and how band combinations can be chosen to examine a particular landscape effectively.

Produced by the Wellcome Trust, this issue of the Big Picture explores some of the careers that are available to students who have studied biological science. It goes...

This resource pack from Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB) focuses on the role of judgment in animal behaviour studies. It consists of:

*background information for teachers

* images of Canada goose goslings at various stages of development and images of seven of the behaviours of...

An image representing human chromosomes in metaphase. Atomic Force Microscope image of ...

This Pedagogics resource uses the following quote from the Chinese philosopher Confucius: "Tell me...and I will forget. Show me... and I will remember. Involve me... and I will understand"

Diagramatic representation of the replication of DNA. This is the process by which the cell makes a copy of its existing DNA before it divides. This therefore ensures that each new cell receives a full complement of DNA. The DNA polymerase enzyme can only add new bases in the 5'-3' direction. This leads to...

Di-deoxy sequencing is a way to determine the order of bases (A,C,G and T) in a piece of DNA.  A set of 4 lanes (one for each base) is needed to sequence any given piece of DNA. Wherever a black band appears in a particular lane...

Discovering New Medicines is the latest educational resource from Understanding Animal Research. This colourful and informative classroom poster takes the student through the medicines discovery process, from basic research to clinical trials and treatment approval.

The poster includes key facts such as...

A series of images representing double helix images.

  • DNA double helix and sequencing output: molecular model of a DNA double helix showing the individual atoms (apart from hydrogen) as coloured balls. Carbon atoms are in white, oxygen in red, phosporus in purple and nitrogen in blue....
