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Image result for 'A' level physics volume 1: mechanics and heat chapple


This book is the first of three volumes which together provide the 'A' level physics student with an accurate and...

This Association for Science Education (ASE) publication about electrical testing was developed in association with a company called Square D Ltd in Swindon, Wiltshire. At the time of publication Square D was a major manufacturer of electrical equipment, operating more...

In these experiments students make and test circuits to investigate a range of effects:

Section A: Transforming a d.c. power supply
*Experiment A(i): Step-up voltage regulator
*Experiment A(ii): Step-down voltage regulator
*Experiment A(iii): High current step-down regulator

This book, published by the Association for Science Education (ASE) and The British Society for the History of Science, celebrates the life and work of Marie Curie and the subsequent developments in radiochemistry.

The book focuses on the development and applications of radiochemistry and is set out in a...

This Association for Science Education (ASE) publication about the physics of fluid flow was developed in association with the Dowty Group,. At the time, the company had four divisions that were Aerospace and Defence, Mining, Industrial, and Electronics. The Group...

This video discusses these 13 misconceptions, including:

  • Global warming is not happening so it was renamed climate change

  • The globe is not warming

  • In the past, scientists warned of global cooling...

This Association for Science Education (ASE) publication about optical fibres was developed in association with the General Electric Company (GEC). At the time of publication GEC was the largest manufacturer of electrical and electronic products in the United Kingdom,...

Image result for 30-second physics


The bestselling 30-Second...

This video introduces 4 interesting physics problems about rotational motion. Students are asked to explain each problem.

1. A mystery object rolling down an inclined plank.  The cylinder moves in a stop-start motion.

The container is filled with honey and 2 ping pong balls. The changing centre of...

The first video presents five physics phenomena:

1. Centre of mass

2. Flipping a phone

3. Static electricity deflecting water

4. Magnetic cereals

5. Tea bag rocket

Explanations are given in the second video:

1.The finger nearest the centre of mass will also have the...

This collection of fourteen 60 second animated clips were produced by the Open University, and funded by the Science Technology Facilities Council. They focus on cutting edge topics within astrophysics in a humorous and easily accessible way. The animations cover topics such as the Big Bang, the expansion of the...

These series of animations explain what microgravity is and how it is used in research both on the ground and in space.  They are designed by researchers from the Open University and narrated by the actor/comedian David Mitchell.

This short film explains how the 60 second adventures in microgravity series was put together. It features some of the researchers, animators and script writers involved.


This poster, from the Science and Technology Facilities Council, celebrates 100 years since two scientists in the UK pioneered a technique for crystallography.

Crystallography uses x-rays to create a diffraction pattern to examine the atomic structure of crystals. The poster explains Bragg’s Law, which...
