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Research Councils UK (RCUK) is the strategic partnership of the UK's seven Research Councils. These are:

•Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)

•Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) •Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC)

•Economic and Social...

This collection of resources from the Royal Meteorological Society and Royal Geographical Society with IBG uses statements and figures from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)...

How Science Works is one of the publication themes of the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme.

Recent changes in the curriculum have emphasised the importance of developing in students an understanding of what scientists do, the nature of science, and the way that science relates to the broader society. SEP...

Matter and Change is one of the publication themes of the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme.

One of the most fundamental ideas that students should learn in science is that ‘stuff’ is made from atoms – the enormous variety of different kinds of materials that they see around them arises from a relatively...

Waves and Radiation is one of the publication themes of the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme.

The last one hundred years has seen an explosion in the use of electromagnetic radiation for communication. Using simple practical kits, Radiation and Communication looks at the properties of...

This set of resources, published by the Centre for Science Education, offers career guidance for potential and current STEM students, their teachers and advisers. The resources include guidance tools for encouraging Key Stage Three students to take up STEM subjects, a guide to work placements and four profiles of...

These resources from the last in the series of Science Year CD ROMs, AKA Science, focus on a range of science themes. The wide-ranging materials include: • Major resources - the main themed activities • Everywhere - science through cross-curricular and whole-school activities • Explore - a variety of games and...

Published by the ASE in 1983, SISCON was one of the early UK science courses to include topics with wide political implications. The aim of the course was to exhibit science as an endeavour rooted in the society which uses it.


The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC) produces classroom resources and teacher guidance to help highlight the links between classroom science and science-based industry. Resources in this collection contain information about the chemical and plastics industries as well as practical guidance about...

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) was formed in April 2007 by merging the Particle Physics & Astronomy Research Council and the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils.


A 1981 project which set out to bring non-specialist scientific literacy to the post-16 curriculum, Science in Society was one of the first high-profile UK science courses to include topics with wide political implications. A major influence on the choice and treatment of topics was the...

The Science in Society readers were written to provide a range of resource materials for class use. Each reader was about 60 pages long made up of articles from experts after extensive editing by the central team. Readers included tables of data, charts and graphs but relatively few pictures.

By the end of...

The Science in Society course was designed to be flexible. The Teacher's Guide was designed to help teachers make use of the bank of readers and projects by dipping into them and using them in their teaching.

The Teacher's Guide provided a structure that could be used as the basis of a post-16, general...

A series of videos, from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), in which environmental scientists describe their work, what they enjoy most and how important their choices of A levels were. Environmental science covers a wide range of different careers with a common goal of understanding how our planet...

This resource supports students in carrying out independent investigations.  It helps them to choose, plan, carry out and write up an in-depth scientific investigation.
