Science and Technology Facilities Council

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) was formed in April 2007 by merging the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council and the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils.The STFC aims to encourage public engagement with science and technology and the Science in Society Programme provides enrichment activities and support for schools. This collection includes teaching and learning resources linked to the National Curriculum and Post-16 courses.

The STFC also:

  • funds the best research within in astronomy and nuclear and particle physics;
  • enables the research community to have access to the best facilities in the world;
  • provides leadership and leverage in the development and implementation of strategies for large facilities;
  • increases the UK technology capability, engagement with industry and knowledge transfer.

Seeing Science is a set of resources devised by education professionals for the STFC and provides a wide range of activities for teachers to use with their key stage three and key stage four students. The resources are arranged in six themes: Life, Space, Materials, Food, Environment and Light. The key stage four resources are particularly aimed at supporting the 'How Science Works' part of the science curriculum.



Showing 14 result(s)

The Science and Technology Facilities Council offers a variety of lessons to support secondary teaching of space science. The Key Stage Three resources consist of nine lessons based on the QCA programme of study:

•Our solar system
•Moving Earth
•Using models
•Because I said so!

In these resources from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), students look at the scientific and factual side of this important aspect of the curriculum. The Key Stage Three lessons look at how plants can be used to clean up contaminated land and the science of acid rain. The Key Stage Four lessons...

In these STFC resources, students discover fascinating facts about materials and their properties. The Key Stage Three resources look at the many different facets of cement. The Key Stage Four resources examine ethics and science of oil drilling, oil being the basis for the plastics industry. The resource also...

These resources from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) look at parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. The Key Stage Three resources look at how synchotron radiation is used to look at the structure of proteins and viruses. The Key Stage Four lesson focuses on infrared radiation and its uses,...
