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These resources are designed to support students and their teachers to engage with the SAMHE (Schools’ Air quality Monitoring for Health and Education) project. SAMHE (pronounced Sammy) sent air quality monitors to over 1,300 schools across the UK and with the help of students and teachers, designed a Web App where...

This collection contains a variety of STEM reports published by a number of different organisations.

The reports have been classified into the following sub collections:

*Post 16

*Professional development

*STEM evaluation reports

This review of STEM careers, led by John Holman, was funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation in February 2010. The review covered provision of STEM careers education, information, advice and guidance in England. The report focused on secondary and further education, but recommended the need to commence careers...

Published termly and supporting the primary, secondary and further education sector, these insightful magazines contain interviews, features, news, and tips on teaching and learning in STEM related subjects.

The STEM...

STEMNET has produced a range of case studies on STEM enrichment and enhancement activities. These demonstrate to teachers and employers the opportunities available for them to inspire young people in STEM.

This collection of videos, from the European Space Education Office (ESERO-UK),  presents a cross-section of people with careers in UK space industry. 

The majority of the videos include a version that can be used in the primary classroom and a version to use in secondary schools or colleges.  


A useful handbook for setting up a student-led STEM club, with exemplars from three schools.

It is increasingly recognised that giving students opportunities to act as ambassadors and mentors for STEM subjects outside of school can be of great benefit to the individual, their institution, and to the broader...

To celebrate the 2024 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games we have created this collection of resources covering a variety of sporting activities and technology in sport topics. There is a collection for primary level and another with activities suitable for secondary students. 

The Royal Institution's 2022 Christmas Lectures - Secrets of forensic science, were...

The Royal Society is a an independent scientific academy in the UK, dedicated to promoting excellence in science.

This collection of resources from the Royal Society contains a variety of activity types and themes, such as why a career in science is for me, inspiring scientists and climate change, and the...
