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Working in a school without a physics specialist, Catherine contacted STEMNET for help with meeting the specifications of a new curriculum. As a result, the school gained help from a STEM Ambassador who not only explained particle physics in an accessible way but also showed how exciting careers in physics could be...

From the YWCA, this leaflet describes how the organisation offers an alternative curriculum that tackles a wide range of topics such as career choices, gender stereotypes, assertiveness and confidence, in order to help young women to make informed choices about the work they do. The leaflet contains information on...


Charles is investigating whether there is life on other planets.  He studies life in extreme environments, such as in volcanoes or on the International Space Station.  He studied biochemistry at university and went on to study astrobiology and the possibility of life on other planets. 

There are two cuts of...


This collection of resources from the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) are designed for use by STEM Ambassadors and/or teachers to ...

This leaflet sets out the wide range of fields in which geoscientists work and how they play an essential role in many aspects of life, from economics to health.


This report focuses on progression from post-16 education in schools and colleges into STEM first degree programmes and proposes a number of recommendations for improving levels of communication among the main stakeholders.

SCORE commissioned the Centre for Education and Industry, which is based at the...


Chris is based at Boulby Underground Laboratory.  The laboratory is in Boulby Mine – the deepest mine in the UK.  The lab is in a salt layer over 1km deep underground, which means that it is in a very low radiation environment.  This location is ideal for performing experiments on dark matter and in astrobiology. ...

Sean's mission to get more people engaged in playing sports. He helped develop a new artificial pitch which allows the community to use the pitch all year round with improved playability. It provides a great example of how engineering can widen access to people for sports facilities.


Engineers like Philippa use technology to help keep us safe and well-informed as we travel around the country’s roads. They’re installing cameras that measure traffic speed and watch out for accidents and hazards, or information boards that let you know when there’s a jam. They’re also planning the road network and...

Oliver works for Mott MacDonald and help to build transport links. This includes providing an access road to a new hospital. Oliver got to use lots of different new software and come up with a 3D model of the access road and bridges along it.


The videos in this collection from teachers TV are aimed at secondary school science practitioners. They contain materials that can be used in the classroom, as stimulus material.

Clips in this section cover a wide range of topics, including:
* astronomy, space and the solar system
* Earth...
