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This edition of the Computing a School (CAS) newsletter includes articles covering:

*Pedagogy of computational thinking and programming

*Modelling and simulation with StarLogoTNG

*Scratch and RoboMind

*Text-based programming with Small Basic

*Route finding with graphs at A-Level...

This resource is aimed at students and is a 22 page document outlining the careers of 9 people involved with the SAMHE project, designed to inspire future careers in research. The people include a communications specialist, project manager and web developer, as well as researchers.

In this video collection, a variety of green careers are showcased, explained in detail by the professionals working in the field.

ENTHUSE Placements give teachers an opportunity to experience invaluable placements in a leading UK STEM organisation or university. It allows teachers to take away a wealth of knowledge for their students to transform their understanding of STEM careers and enrich the teaching of STEM subjects.


ESERO-UK (the European Space Education Resource Office for the UK) is an education project from the European Space Agency (ESA).

ESERO-UK has been established at the National STEM Learning Centre through funding from ESA and the Department for Education. ESERO-UK promotes space in the UK and the use of space...

In this video Dean Scaife talks about the skills he needs as he works as an Apprentice Mechanical Fitter.  He discusses why his job is important in the overall scheme of the ship build and how he can apply the skills he uses in his job to his everyday home life.  He also speaks about properties of metals and other...

Stephen Turpin is a Foreman Fitter who has worked his way up through the ranks to his current role.  Here he talks about how he climbed up the career ladder and why maths, physics and chemistry is important in his role.  He also talks about the importance of ship design and the satisfaction of seeing the ship sail...

In this video Sam Creed discusses how playing with Lego in his youth sparked his interest in engineering and how those skills and experiences still apply in his role today.  He also touches upon problem solving and how building 'big robots' can be really satisfying.  



In this inspiring video, John Eldridge who is a Principal Engineer explains why curiosity is so important when it comes to STEM skills.  He also discusses that this job is being involved with some of the biggest machines on Earth and the varied routes you can take to get into...

In this video you hear from Matt Slater who is a Naval Architect.  He talks about what his job entails such as ship design and ship building, along with how team work is important and other skills such as IT fits into his role.


Future Morph Careers Quest was developed for students attending one of the the Big Bang science fairs. In the activity, students question exhibitors about aspects of their work and how they had chosen their particular career.

Whilst developed for an exhibition context, the resources can suggest questions for...

This collection aims to support teachers in the delivery of career-focussed lessons and events. Combining material for students with comprehensive teacher guidance, these resources can help teachers to confidently explain the opportunities available to their students. Highlights include:

  • Top Ten...

This collection holds a variety of reports about education issues in general, rather than about specific subjects. They include reports which discuss the development and importance of vocational courses, progression from Key Stage Four to A Level and continuing professional development for teachers and technicians...

In this video collection, professionals from a variety of careers discuss what they love about their jobs, how they got involved, and what other opportunities are out there.

This collection of videos gives students a view into the different types of green careers available. A mixture of case studies and industrial context, this collection covers careers from across the STEM subjects.
