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This booklet is designed to support teachers working with pupils on the issues surrounding the use of animals in medicines research. Whether used in the context of Citizenship, PSE, Science, English or RE, it aims to provide a useful resource for both teachers and pupils across the UK.

This resource consists of two resources : the 20 hour Apprenticeship Self-development Pack and the Teacher's Guide, which will help to facilitate completion of the pack by students

The pack  is designed for:
• 16-19 year olds who want to go into employment, including apprenticeships and higher and...

This toolkit, from the Plus magazine's collaboration with Arctic Survey Education, explores the navigational aspects of the expedition, including questions surrounding cartography and Global Positioning (GPS) systems. The toolkit can be download as a whole or as individual components. The individual components are...

This resource provides Key Stage Three National Strategy training materials to run a day session with science teachers to help them develop an understanding of the key elements of Assessment for Learning and how it might affect their practice.


This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Lee Betts, an avionics technician with the RAF. Lee describes how new recruits undertake basic training, work in a front-line squadron and then undertake further specialists training.

Lee's role involves fixing the radar, flight...

In this report, ACME considers the quality of initial teacher education and gives advice on how to ensure that trainees leave Initial Teacher Education (ITE) effectively equipped to begin their teaching careers in mathematics classrooms throughout England.

The report seeks to address a number of key...

This training resource from the National Strategies considers the causes of poor behaviour for learning as well as staff behaviour and its impact on learning. The aim is for teachers to: • Develop an understanding of how both student and teacher emotions can impact on learning. • Develop some strategies to avoid...

Dr Tim Gabriel’s job involves making materials for batteries and solar cells which have tiny structures and shapes, allowing them to work more efficiently. He describes how his combined degree in chemistry and languages allowed him to spend a year in France. Tim also explains how his research career helped him to...

This Biochemical Society careers resource is aimed at students and provides an overview of the impact of biochemistry on other areas of science, a description of what biochemistry is and an illustration of the range of organisations which employ biochemists.

There is also a description of the types of...

This colourful leaflet from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) looks at what biodiversity is and why it matters. It also explains how human activities threaten the natural environment, endangering species and habitats and what we are doing about the problem. The resource includes a list of research...

Biomedical Horizons is a multi-pronged project, funded by the Wellcome Trust, designed to raise awareness and spark discussion about the biomedical sciences – from pursuing a career to their role within society.

The aim of this resource is to:
* raise awareness of biomedical sciences and the variety...

This resource, produced by SEPNet and Queen Mary University of London, uses Lego to represent the building blocks of matter. Different colour Lego bricks are assigned to different quarks and leptons. The quarks can be put together to make hadrons, such as protons and neutrons. The blocks can also be used to show...

This Mathematics Matters case study looks at how mathematics converts digital data into useful information for business, the government and the public. Computers and networks stuffed with ever-increasing amounts of data are transforming our society, creating a digital world with its own rules and behaviours. We...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Emma Welsh. She works as a reviewer, analysing data from clinical trials of treatments for chronic respiratory diseases.

Emma analyses information which is then used by doctors, health authorities and others to decide on which...

Medical research continues to expand with each major new discovery and technical innovation. It offers those with scientific ability a wide choice of opportunities to put their talents to work to improve human health. This page, from the Medical Research Council (MRC), which is aimed at general audiences, looks at...
