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The IDEAS training materials are for use on continuous professional development courses to support the teaching of ideas and evidence in school science. The materials offer six in-service CPD sessions, which take approximately half a day each. Ideas and approaches for lessons are illustrated using materials...

inGenious was a multi-stakeholder initiative in STEM education launched by European Schoolnet and the European Roundtable of Industrialists (ERT) with an aim of increasing the links between science education and careers. This €8 million European programme in STEM education involved more than 40 partner...

In this Science upd8 resource students take on the role of a marketeer trying to sell a new instant ice-cream vending machine. They use PowerPoint’s simple animation features and a gallery of images to explain the science behind the process of mixing flavours and quick freezing.

This presentation and collection of short activities, from Eurostemcell, introduce basic stem cell concepts and include teacher’s notes with each slide and useful diagrams. The materials include:

 Presentation: Introducing stem cells

• Stem cell biology basics: for post-16 students,...

This resource is an interactive activity which aims to provide an introduction to the lowland heathland habitat. The five topics relating to lowland heathlands covered by the resources include: • The biotic components of lowland heathlands, focusing on plants • The biotic components of lowland heathlands, focusing...

In this activity students evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using biological control to halt the invasion of common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia. This is an invasive plant which is spreading across Europe. Because of illness caused by its allergenic pollen and competition with crops, it costs...

In this activity students discover how a Tanzanian initiative reduced iodine deficiency diseases, and look at lessons the UK can learn from the example of this African nation. According to recent reports, up to 70% of British young people do not take in enough iodine. Iodine deficiency causes goiter and brain...

This resource explores what a vegan diet involves and considers the social and political implications of a vegan society. It is part of the collection of educational resources from The Economist Educational Foundation.

Session 1:

  • Explore different kinds of diets
  • Reflect...

Students explore chicken and human health in relation to microorganisms. To do this, they will learn and use microbiological techniques to examine the microbial load of chicken meat. Then they will carry out a survey into chicken consumption, look at alternative protein sources and explore chicken husbandry at home...

In this lesson from the Science and Technology Council (STFC), students use an experiment to see if carbon dioxide does cause global warming. The lesson starts with a presentation which raises questions to be answered by the experiment. Students are asked to evaluate the method and results before planning and...

In this resource form the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), students are asked to evaluate the evidence about climate change and think about ways to manage the worst of its effects. Students learn about the ways of modelling the effects using computers using data and knowledge of physical processes...

This lesson, from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), looks in particular at how infrared data is collected and used to measure changes in global temperature. Infrared radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum of light which has uses in astronomy, communications, surveillance and medicine...

In this SATIS Revisited resource students look at the role of the kidney and treatment of kidney failure by dialysis and with transplants, and explore issues around the shortage of donor organs in the UK.

In 2010 the number of individuals requiring kidney transplants in the UK was approximately 8000 people....

This starter activity focuses on the link between water and health. It encourages students to think about the role of engineers in providing us with healthy water supplies and waste-water disposal systems by thinking about the different ways in which water can be...

Produced by the Science Enhancement Programme (SEP), these materials are aimed at facilitators who are preparing to lead Learning Skills for Science (LSS) training courses with colleagues. This resource looks at the training connected to skills in information retrieval. The trainers' manual and supporting...
