- View more resources from this publisherGatsby Science Enhancement Programme
LSS Skill Area 1 Training: Information Retrieval
Produced by the Science Enhancement Programme (SEP), these materials are aimed at facilitators who are preparing to lead Learning Skills for Science (LSS) training courses with colleagues. This resource looks at the training connected to skills in information retrieval. The trainers' manual and supporting presentations are included.
Following the training, teachers will:
• Be familiar with the LSS resources about ‘Information Retrieval’.
• Have a range of strategies to plan, differentiate, teach and assess the skills required for
information retrieval in the Secondary classroom.
• Be familiar with how methods for storing information have developed over time.
• Be acquainted with the structure of a reference book.
• Know a variety of types of scientific journals and how they differ.
• Be familiar with popular scientific journals which may be used in the classroom.
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Skill 1 (teachers' guide) 226.58 KB
Training manual 12.87 MB
Skill 1 trainer overview 1.4 MB
Skill 1 (presentation) 2.02 MB