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Published in July 2012, This report from the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) presents the interim findings from a qualitative investigation into the impact on students of the subject-specific CPD undertaken by teachers at the National Science Learning Centre.


The National STEM Learning Centre and Network supports the teaching and learning of science, design and technology, computing, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in schools and colleges throughout the United Kingdom, from primary level to post-16.


In order to avoid predators, the caterpillars of some species of moths rest during the day by masquerading as twigs, well-camouflaged and keeping their bodies rigid and still. The aim of the investigation is to determine if caterpillars of the peppered moth show a preferred angle of rest. Students look at a series...

Published in July 2015, this report from the ISOS Partnership evaluates the implementation and impact of the third phase of the National Science Learning Network’s regional programme.

The full collection of STEM Learning impact and evaluation research reports can be viewed...

Published in June 2013, this report from the  National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) sets out the findings from a review of Myscience’s (STEM Learning) partnership activity with school groups. The aim of the study was to identify any opportunities that exist, and the changes and challenges that are...

Published in September 2010, this summary of an online survey focusses on attempting to understand the factors relating to the retention of science teachers.

The full collection of STEM Learning impact and evaluation research reports can be viewed here...

Published in March 2015, this report from Dr Suzanne King evaluates the effectiveness of the Teacher Industrial Partners’ Scheme and highlights potential recommendations for the future.

The full collection of STEM Learning impact and evaluation research reports can be viewed...

In this activity, students investigate the three main types of memory - sensory, short-term and long-term. An explanation is given for each one and linked to a memory experiment. Students are also given five memory tasks to complete which include looking at factors that affect peoples' memories and ways in which to...

This Catalyst article investigates how humans can misjudge the weights of small dense objects and large, light objects and how their perception of weight is easily fooled.

The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014, Volume 24, Issue 3.


Published in 2008, this report from the TDA outlines the investigation into how professional development across Initial Teacher Training (ITT) and Early Professional Development (EPD) is manifested in secondary science teaching across England.


This Catalyst article looks at research suggesting that the social world influences the activity of human genes, in turn affecting brain function. Neuroscientists are now beginning to explore how the brain might be linked to certain...

Published in August 2014, this is the final report of the three-year evaluation of the Triple Science Support Programme (TSSP) and the two year evaluation of Triple Science Networks (TSN).

The full collection of STEM Learning impact and evaluation research reports can be viewed...

This book looks at several aspects of how the mind works: *Making sense of the world * How we perceive * How we behave * Ways of learning * How we think and feel * What kind of person are you? You and Your Mind was one of the Science at Work series. All the booklets in the series were highly illustrated with...
