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This series of spotter sheets are useful when identifying living things in their habitats at different times of the year. They contain sheets for different species and types of bird and birds found in different habitats. The...

This resource pack, aimed at primary learners, links to the topic areas of properties of materials, adaptation and life processes by looking at birds and the nests they build.

An introductory presentation looks at the reasons why birds build nests, different types of nests, where they are found and the...

This task assesses understanding of scatter diagrams. A scatter diagram is presented that shows the lengths and widths of the eggs of some American birds.

The task involves plotting additional points on the diagram, describing correlation, interpreting a point on the diagram, and estimating the width of an...

This task assesses scatter diagrams and lines of best fit.

A scatter diagram is shown of the length and width of birds eggs. There follows a series of five short tasks on:

  • Plotting an additional data point
  • Making a statement about correlation
  • Making an estimate of width from a...

The Birmingham Institute for Forest Research (BIFoR) is home to the BIFoR FACE facility, one of the world's largest climate change experiments where 150 parts per million extra of carbon dioxide is added to areas of the oak forest, to predict the impact on the ecosystem 50 years into the future.

BIFoR has...

In this activity, children develop field skills in animal identification and compare extinct animals with their living descendants. They take part in a 20 minute birdwatching survey in their school grounds, identifying and recording different birds that they see. They consider the characteristics of all birds, then...

This Catalyst article describes how, as two tectonic plates separate, wide fissures appear in the ground in northern Ethiopia. Eventually a new ocean will form in the area affected. The Earth’s surface is not stable or permanent. The tectonic plates that form our planet’s outer crust are constantly moving around,...

This Catalyst article looks at orchids, their breeding, and why they have great commercial value. The family of Orchidaceae is one of the largest plant families, with about 900 genera and 25,000 species. Orchids are amongst the oldest flowering plants. After a long evolution, they have developed a very intimate...

Produced by Twig, this animated video is a clear and accessible explanation of how the Solar System fromed. The video describes how:

* the solar system grew from a ball of gas which formed the Sun

* gravity caused heavy material to cluster together and eventually form planets

* the inner...

In this resource from CensusAtSchool. students compare data on month of birth from 45,000 South African students given in a table to the same data represented in a bar chart. Students are asked to consider reasons for month of birth and why it is appropriate to use percentages for large data sets.Students are then...

This Licence to Cook practical session is about baking biscuits, both savoury and sweet. During the session, students will make either Cheese straws or ANZAC biscuits.

The session aims to improve students’ knowledge of flour based products and act as a reminder for the safe use of the cooker. It can be used...

This activity comes as a presentation, aimed at using an engaging material to probe the children's thinking, reasoning and scientific talk skills. Asking questions such as: ‘How is this crystal formed?’, and ‘What causes the colours?’ It provides an opportunity to get the children thinking and talking ‘science’, by...

Although this resource does not contain any instructions for how to use it in a lesson, or lesson plans to go with it, it could easily be used to support the delivery of other activities as students learn about how images are created and stored, as well as how they are represented in the memory of a computer....

In this activity the goal is for students to understand how the regression line is chosen. Autograph has a built-in facility for showing the squares of the residuals and is required to make this task work. Students are asked to explore what the lines that give the sum of the y-on-x residuals equal to zero have in...

In this activity, students are challenged to produce a scatter diagram consisting of ten points that give a product moment correlation coefficient of exactly 0.99. Students are expected to appreciate that the points will lie almost exactly on a straight line with at least one point being slightly out. The answer...
