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This computing resource for primary schools introduces the concept of decomposition through dance. Using combinations of hand-jive, clapping or tutting, the lesson demonstrates how complex sequences of instructions (algorithms) can be broken down into smaller chunks. The children are challenged to look for patterns...

This collection of lesson activity and enrichment day resources links computing to other curriculum areas in creative ways. Unplugged as well as on-screen activities are provided, featuring contributions from various organisations. Some activities require additional paid resources whilst most make use of free...

This Barefoot Computing animation project for primary school computing teaches the concept of sequencing within programs. Children use costumes and a range of commands in Scratch to produce purposeful multimedia. They are encouraged to debug and improve the program, and...



This edition of the Computing at School newsletter contains articles covering:

*Computing curriculum change

*Programming pedagogy

*Database Detectives, a Digital School House resource

*Unplugged computing

*Scratch in the primary classroom

*Real robotics – outreach from...


This edition of the Computing at School newsletter contains articles covering:

*Coding and computer science

*Code Club and Computing ++

*Tips for teaching programming


*Teaching encryption with spreadsheets

*Scratch sensorboards (picoboards)


Sometimes a small, seemingly insignificant, variation in the specification of a problem makes a huge difference in how difficult it is to solve. This activity, like the The...

This activity helps children to understand the components of computer systems, with a focus on input devices. It links this to their everyday experience, by comparing games controllers, keyboards, microphones and other everyday peripheral devices. The practical part of the activity involves creating programs in...

This activity helps children learn about computer systems and output devices. It relates these systems to those they encounter everyday, from headphones to printers and washing machine motors. They understand that programs make these devices function, and attempt a programming activity using Scratch and Lego WeDo....

Building on the Key Stage 1 Blockly activity, this course introduces children to repeat loops, 'if' statements, and variables.

The activities focus on driving a delivery van around increasingly complex routes involving twists, turns and traffic lights. At the end of Lower Key Stage 2, the children can...

This lengthier activity involves designing and creating a simple computer game using the free Microsoft Kodu platform. It is expected that the children will have some prior experience of Kodu, or that a basic tutorial is offered before commencing this activity. Worksheets are provided that help children through the...

This activity introduces children to the Kodu games programming environment through tinkering. They are asked to experiment with an existing game code, and also to start from a blank screen.

