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This Nuffield Combined Science activities pack provided student booklets; one for each of the first five sections of the course. These booklets were not intended to be used as ordinary text books.


This Nuffield Combined Science Activities Pack provided student booklets; one for each of the last five sections of the course. These booklets were not intended to be used as ordinary text books.


In this activity from Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), students investigate the role of natural selection in evolution by considering the extent to which the winged fruits from a tree are adapted for successful dispersal.

This practical approach to studying natural selection and competition...

Produced by ARKive, this creative activity is designed to teach students aged 11-14 years about the theory of adaptation. It does this by looking specifically at animals' adaptations for movement through different types of habitats. Students learn the definition of adaptation and why animals need adaptations to...

In this ARKive resource, students learn about how different animals and plants are adapted to surviving in arid habitats. Working in groups, students design and carry out an experiment aimed at testing the effectiveness of different adaptations in reducing water loss. Using a worksheet as guidance, students also...

This resource is suitable for students from ages 7 to 14 and looks at the Artic and desert environments and the adaptations of polar bears and camels to their respective habitats.  Although these environments and animals are used extensively in resources when exploring this topic these resources provide excellent...

A large and growing proportion of our electricity in the UK comes from renewables, and the amount of electricity generated varies depending on the weather. In this activity pupils watch a film in which Jade Kimpton from the National Grid shows how the flow of electricity in the National Grid is getting more complex...

In this activity from Science upd8 students think about carbon footprints and which goods and services cause the biggest carbon dioxide emissions. What choices can be made to minimise emissions?

This topical activity helps the student to make informed choices regarding the carbon dioxide emissions of a...

This activity, from the Centre for Science Education and the Comino Foundation, is set in the context of choosing a birthday gift. It encourages students to think about carbon footprints. Which goods and services cause the biggest carbon dioxide emissions? What choices can we make to minimise emissions? 

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), looks at how the boomerang works from design and scientific principles. Students explore how aerodynamic forces affect the flight of objects, relate the design features of the boomerang to its path...

In this activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), students explore the basic principles of aerodynamics by looking at familiar products that have been designed with speed in mind and identifying features common to these products....

A National STEM Learning Centre and Network Engineering Case Studies resource investigating air products and how they can be used.

How do you deliver the right amount of gas to a patient during an operation?

A modern twist on a very old design is the answer. Air Products produce rotameters, which help...

This resource consists of two field work activities. The first records lichens on trees as an indicator of air quality and the second looks for tar spot fungus on sycamore leaves. This links to curriculum work on plants, habitats, air quality and improving the environment. This resource includes a workbook, field...

Adults drink more frequently than adolescents, but when adolescents drink they tend to drink larger quantities. There is evidence to suggest that the adolescent brain responds to alcohol differently from the adult brain. Scientists at the University of Oxford are...

These activities, from Eurostemcell, introduce students to the science of stem cells and explore four basic themes in stem cell biology: 1. What is a stem cell? – what stem cells can do; types of stem cell 2. Where do embryonic stem cells come from? – the blastocyst; cell culture; IVF 3. Why bother with stem cells...
