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This report, by Dr Alison Wolf and published in March 2011, was commissioned to investigate the state of vocational education for young people aged 14 to 19. It was found that many courses offered very little value, offering no route to further education or prospects for meaningful employment.


This STEM Ambassador Impact Report was written in 2016. For further, current information about the STEM Ambassador Programme please visit 

STEM Ambassadors are a UK national treasure. An important and...

This ...

This review of STEM careers, led by John Holman, was funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation in February 2010. The review covered provision of STEM careers education, information, advice and guidance in England. The report focused on secondary and further education, but recommended the need to commence careers...

This case study describes how Priestley College promotes STEM subjects and careers to girls through its biennial trip to CERN in Geneva.

All physics students are asked to fill in a letter of application outlining why they wish to take part in the trip. Staff are keen for students to have some future plans...

This case study describes how Priestley College promotes STEM subjects and careers to girls, through its ‘Girls into Physics and Electronics Day’.

Planned to be an annual event, a group of high ability year nine girls from a local high school are invited into the college to take part in physics and...

This case study describes how Priestley College promotes STEM subjects and careers to girls, through involvement in the Engineering Education Scheme (EES). The scheme, run by EDT, lasts six months and offers hands on experience for a group of four year twelve students who are studying maths and physics/chemistry....

This case study describes how Ringwood School promotes STEM subjects and careers to girls, through its Role Models Scheme.

The scheme stemmed from teachers needing additional help with low ability year seven classes, however its success has seen this expand into year eight classes.

Recognising the...

This case study describes how Ringwood School promotes STEM subjects and careers to girls through its weekly science club.

The club is run by newly and recently qualified teachers with the support of some chemistry A level students and one of the school technicians.

Students rotate through biology,...

This case study describes how Stewards Academy promotes STEM subjects and careers to girls, through its STEM competition clubs.

Throughout the week, the school runs a programme of STEM after school enrichment clubs which are open to students of all years and abilities.

Details of the clubs success and...

This publication from the Department for Education addresses the issue of equality and diversity in the STEM workforce which is not yet truly representative. It examines the number of ethnic minority students studying STEM subjects and undertaking STEM-related careers.

The publication looks at approaches...

This publication from the Department for Education publication explores the issue of a significant gender imbalance in the STEM workforce, barriers to choosing STEM subjects and gender disparity. A list of suggestions to make STEM careers advice more women - friendly is also provided.

These reports, from the Centre for Science Education, describe outcomes from the STEM Subject Choice and Careers project. The project was able to draw on a range of creative resources and products that can enthuse young people and support teachers and career advisers....

This document summarises the key features of the new qualification frameworks.

Pre-16 qualifications

Academic or general education qualifications are studied by most 14-16 year olds in the UK. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland they are GCSEs and in Scotland they are Scottish...

A list of STEM focused resources and information for teachers with links to the relevant websites.
