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This glossary, from the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency (QCDA), was first developed in response to requests from teachers and others during the National Curriculum consultation in 1999. The explanations of mathematical terms refer to the terms as they...

This resource from Ofsted contains generic grade descriptors and supplementary subject-specific guidance in mathematics, drawn from the leadership and management section of the evaluation schedule for the inspection of schools and academies, January 2012. It is intended only to inform the judgements made by...

A resource from the National Curriculum Council (NCC). This booklet from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate (HMI) was a response to Mathematics from 5 to 16 1985, which was the third in a series intended to stimulate discussion about the curriculum as a whole and about...

The National Curriculum for Mathematics was introduced into England, Wales and Northern Ireland as a nationwide curriculum for primary and secondary state schools following the Education Reform Act 1988. The purpose of the National Curriculum was to standardise the content taught across schools in order to raise...

The 1989 document was replaced by a revised version, Mathematics in the National Curriculum (1991). A major aim of the revision was to make assessment more manageable, whilst keeping the content of mathematics unchanged. The revisions came into force on 1 August 1992.

The 14 Attainment Targets (ATs) were...

In 1993 Sir Ron Dearing, Chairman of the School Curriculum and Assessment Authority (SCAA), reviewed the whole national curriculum and made recommendations on slimming down the curriculum, and improving its administration. The revised curriculum which was implemented from August 1995 was not to be altered for five...

Although the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) carried out a radical overhaul of the curriculum, the mathematical content hardly changed. Key Stages One, Two and Three had their own Programmes of Study (PoS). Key Stage Four was now divided into Foundation and Higher. The PoS set out what students should...

This resource from Ofsted, published in May 2012, is a full report and summary of the findings into the teaching of mathematics, based predominantly on evidence from inspections between January 2008 and July 2011 in maintained schools in England. Attention is drawn to serious inequalities in students’ experiences...

The National Curriculum Council (NCC) published non-statutory guidance to support the teaching of mathematics in the National Curriculum in 1989, and again in 1991, to accompany the first revision of the National Curriculum.


This resource from Ofsted is a report published in September 2008, based principally on evidence from inspections of mathematics between April 2005 and December 2007 in 192 maintained schools in England. It describes how the best teaching is enthusiastic, knowledgeable and focused clearly on developing students'...

A report from the National Curriculum Council (NCC). In January 1991 the Secretary of State for Education and Science announced an urgent review of the attainment targets in mathematics because:
• the structure of the 14 targets was proving an obstacle to...

This series of books was planned and commissioned by the Centre for Curriculum Renewal and Educational Development Overseas (CREDO), which was established in 1966 to help developing countries with their own programmes of educational innovation by making available to...

Pupils will learn about materials and forces, including gravity and air resistance, in this experiment from the IET. Using Christmas as an opportunity to get practical, p...

This study unit offers some practical strategies that teachers, particularly those who are newly qualified (NQTs), can use to improve their understanding and selection of different teaching models. The unit provides strategies to develop teaching skills, practical tips...

The guide Pictorial representation, from the Nuffield Mathematics Project, was designed to help teachers of students between the ages of 5 and 10. The guide deals with graphical representation in its many aspects. It contains helpful notes for the teachers as well as ideas and examples of students’ work.
