These resources have been reviewed and selected by STEM Learning’s team of education specialists for factual accuracy and relevance to teaching STEM subjects in UK schools.

Nuffield Mathematics for Overseas Teachers

This series of books was planned and commissioned by the Centre for Curriculum Renewal and Educational Development Overseas (CREDO), which was established in 1966 to help developing countries with their own programmes of educational innovation by making available to them the relevant British knowledge.

The work of the Nuffield Mathematics Project aroused interest throughout the world, and the Teachers' Guides for the Project had been well received both in Britain and in other countries. These shorter books presented the material contained in the Teachers’ Guides in a form and sequence which would enable teachers in developing countries more easily to obtain information on the Project's aims and methods.

The first of these handbooks, Mathematics: The First Three Years, considered the development of a child's awareness of mathematics during the pre-school years and during the first three years' work in the primary school.

Mathematics the later years:The second book in the series extended the work of the first book to cover roughly the fourth, fifth and sixth years of primary schooling. The emphasis continued to be on practical experiences and guided discovery in order to establish sound understanding of the basic mathematical concepts on which later work can be built. This book, as with the others in the series, was intended to be used in conjunction with pre- and in-service teacher training courses.

Mathematics from Primary to Secondary was the final volume in the series and covered the transitional period into the early years of secondary school, perhaps roughly to age 13 or 14. Emphasis throughout was on practical experience and guided discovery, in order to establish sound understanding of the basic mathematical concepts onto which future work could be built.

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