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The cs4fn magazine is a magazine on the fun side of all things to do with computer science. The authors write up computing research in a fun and accessible way that puts across their enthusiasm for the subject. Unplugged computing, computational thinking and practical applications of computers in many areas are...

"Computing isn't about computers" - this quote from one of the CS4FN authors, Paul Curzon, should give you an idea about the resources in this collection. Designed to inspire, these activities are about people, solving puzzles, creativity, changing the future and, most of all, having fun. Magic tricks, philosophy,...

This resource consists of two starter activities, the Cyber Security Diamond asks students to take 9 statements relating to Cyber Security and rank them (in a diamond layout) from most to least important. The Social Engineering Activity contains four definitions of types of social engineering activity and asks...

In this resource, the students are asked to look at various aspects of data security. In part this covers cyber security but it also looks at data integrity and ensuring that users data does not become corrupt through various means. There are a variety of activities provided, and all of the necessary resources are...

The Computing at School newsletter is published three times a year. It is full of practical ideas for teachers of computing in primary and secondary schools, with articles contributed by a number of CAS members. With input from teachers, academics, advisors and industry professionals, it provides a varied source of...

This resource contains two sets of triominoes, based around the theme of internet security. A simple set with only 4 cards, where three definitions and their key words need to be matched. The set also has two extra definitions and key words to act as distractors from the actual answers, an extension might be to get...