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This guidance is aimed at businesses and other organisations looking to provide support and inspiration for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in schools.  It is based on consultation with teachers, further developed through debate between teachers, businesses and learned societies.  Teachers...

This collection supports learning about the identification of birds, aspects of literacy, mathematics and design and technology. Created to support the Big Schools’ Birdwatch, the activities may also be used independent of the larger survey at other times of the year....

Commissioned by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, this Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment review of teacher assessment in 2009 looked at teacher assessment in practice in a number of countries to see what works best and to consider the implications for Assessing Pupils’ Progress (APP...

From the British Science Association, these resources give useful guidance and tips for running a public engagement in science event. This could be as part of the Association's annual National Science & Engineering Week (NSEW). Two guides are included in these materials.


These resources, provided by The AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust, include materials produced as part of The Cambridgeshire SEN Science Project which brought together a group of special schools and developed a scheme of work and an assessment/recording framework for...

These resources, provided by The AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust, include materials produced as part of The Cambridgeshire SEN Science Project which brought together a group of special schools and developed a scheme of work and an assessment/recording framework for science.

These STRATA (Science To Raise...

This guide, from the National STEM Learning Centre and Network, draws on the advice of a number of experienced senior science technicians on how to set up a technician network. A local science technician network is a great way to share expertise, solve problems, gather ideas and to carry out cost effective...

This publication, from Her Majesty's Stationery Office, sets out the government’s priorities for science education as expressed by them in 1985. It builds on the outcomes of a consultation on the document ‘Science Education in Schools’, which was published in 1982. It seeks to establish the principle of ‘Science...

Following the establishment of the 1989 National Curriculum (NC) for science, the Secretary of State for Education and Science made proposals regarding the revision of Attainment Targets (AT) for science. The key ideas included proposal of:
*Five attainment targets
- AT1 - Scientific investigation...

This report from Ofsted focused on the initial teacher training (ITT) in science for primary teachers. The inspection survey took place during the academic year 2000/01. At the time recent inspections of primary initial teacher training (ITT) had focused on training to teach either english or mathematics and also...

Following a major overhaul of the entire National Curriculum at Key Stage Three, the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority produced a version for science with a structure consistent with other subjects. There were no changes to the other Key Stages, so the Attainment Targets (AT) and Programme of Study (PoS) for...

This was the first National Curriculum for Science in England and Wales. One intention of the National Curriculum was that all students aged 5 to 16 learn science – that there should be ‘Science for All’ – and that this should include both the ‘methods of science’ and the acquisition of ‘knowledge and understanding...

This revision of the National Curriculum was an attempt to simplify the 1989 version, and to make assessment more manageable.

*The 17 Attainment Targets (AT) were reduced to four – with these divided into ‘strands’.

*Fewer Statements of Attainment: the number was approximately halved by broadening...

This revision of the National Curriculum builds on the 1991 version and follows Sir Ron Dearing’s 1993 review of the whole National Curriculum.

*It retains the four Attainment Targets (AT), each with an associated Programme of Study (PoS), although AT1 becomes ‘Experimental and investigative science’, and...

The National Curriculum for science, published in 1999. Compared with the 1995 version of the National Curriculum, the main changes are:
*There is a statement about the ‘Importance of Science’.
*The ‘Experimental and investigative science’ sections are renamed ‘Scientific enquiry’, with an emphasis on a...
