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In this ARKive activity, students research and design their own conservation programme to learn about the importance of biodiversity as well as the economic benefits and services ecosystems provide. Using examples of successful conservation programmes within the UK Overseas Territories, students learn about the...

This resource is designed to meet the specifications for the A-level practical endorsement in England (CPAC). However, it will make a valuable guide to dissection and scientific drawing of a flower for those following a variety of different specifications.

The ability to accurately observe, dissect and...

Published by the Wellcome Trust, the 'Big Picture' explores issues around biology and medicine.

While providing immense benefits, drugs are not the perfect solution. They only work on a proportion of patients,...


These Key Stage Three training materials from the Department for Education are designed to run a session with science teachers to help them design and develop effective science lessons that might involve writing, practical and group work.


In this fast-moving and dramatic activity, student groups become teams of volcanologists. They receive a budget with which to purchase and maintain monitoring instruments and satellite data for an active volcano. They decide which instruments to buy, and where to place...

Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), in this investigation, students look at the concentration of glucose in isotonic sports drinks. This enables students to see if the drinks are, in fact, isotonic with the blood.

In this investigation, students first produce a standard curve by testing...

In this lesson, students will be introduced to the advantages of big telescopes and the use of telescopes to do astronomy across the whole electromagnetic spectrum. They will then explore the transit method of detecting exoplanets (either practically, or using real astronomical data) and use mathematics to...

There are teacher notes and student materials which describe the research into the potential effects of climate change on a Coralline algae species. Curriculum links include biodiversity, sampling techniques, student t test, Simpson’s Index, photosynthesis, climate...

Using a huge wall map of the world, flower pots, compost and videos, children find out everything there is to know about the fruit they eat. They investigate where their fruit has travelled from, and what transport was used getting it to the UK. Children explore the different parts of fruit and compare the seeds of...

Produced in 2015, these resources look specifically at how genes can be altered in plants and how bacteria are central to genetic engineering techniques. Genetically modified (GM) crops offer the potential to help improve food security though this still remains...

In this SATIS Revisited resource, students consider the Californian Gold Rush and its impact on the environment through pollution in the food chain and analysis of mercury in fish from local lakes and rivers.


This resources, from Siemens, looks at how an electric car works, the components of the system and the function of each component. Students research the charge and discharge cycles of a battery-powered device and consider the advantages and disadvantages of battery power. They look at what is meant by the capacity...

