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The oceans are become more acidic. This is due to an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through the ...

This Pedagogics resource displays a quote from Dr Haim Ginott entitled "I have come to a frightening conclusion".

ENTHUSE Partnership funding enables groups of four to eight schools and colleges to work together, with support from STEM Learning on a two-year intensive programme to raise aspiration and achievement in STEM subjects. Each Partnership can access up to £20,000 worth of support, including face-to-face CPD, in-school...

This collection contains case studies and evaluation studies from work funded by or associated with ESERO-UK. ESERO-UK is the European Space Education Resource Office, otherwise known as the UK Space Education Office.

Funded by the European Space Agency and the Department of Education, the ESERO-UK is part...

ESERO-UK (the European Space Education Resource Office for the UK) is an education project from the European Space Agency (ESA).

ESERO-UK has been established at the National STEM Learning Centre through funding from ESA and the Department for Education. ESERO-UK promotes space in the UK and the use of space...

Earth Day is an annual event where people can participate in numerous events to show their support for environmental protection. The theme for Earth Day 2024 is 'Planet vs. Plastics' and is focussed on ending plastics for the sake of human and planetary health, demanding a 60% reduction in the production of all...

This summary was produced by the Department for Education in 2012 to support schools with their behaviour policy. This document summarises the legal powers and duties that govern behaviour and attendance in school at the time of writing, and explains how they apply to teachers, governing bodies, pupils and parents...

This collection of resources for primary and secondary aged pupils have been created to inspire pupils about topics linked to the work of the Environment Agency such as water, biodiversity and the impact of climate change.  ...

This article looks at how STEM subjects can help students learn about key environmental issues using the National Association for Environmental Education's (NAEE) teacher handbooks about 'The Environmental Curriculum' and details of the 'Sustainable Development Goals' launched at the 2015 Paris agreement on climate...

In this video from Osiris Educational Bill Rodgers discusses the essential skills that enable teachers to be a confident classroom leader with...

These resources use the theme of football to link to STEM subjects and careers. Activities suitable for younger pupils are at the top of the list, and resources aimed at older students towards the end.

Published in 2012, NFER was commissioned by the National STEM Learning Centre and Network to evaluate the effectiveness and early impacts of the European Space Education Resource Office for the UK (ESERO-UK). ESERO-UK aims to promote the use of space as a context for enriching science, technology, engineering and...

 Published in November 2012, this report from the Department for Education and the Wellcome Trust aims to understand the effectiveness of the Network, the impact of the CPD activity and opinions for future strategy and sustainability of the Science Learning Centre Network.

The full collection of STEM...

This report, published in March 2012 by the National Foundation for Educational Research,
presents the findings of an evaluation of the Wellcome Trust’s Camden Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Initiative which provided funding to eight Camden schools to develop interdisciplinary...

Published in January 2015, this...
