ESERO Case Studies
This collection contains case studies and evaluation studies from work funded by or associated with ESERO-UK. ESERO-UK is the European Space Education Resource Office, otherwise known as the UK Space Education Office.
Funded by the European Space Agency and the Department of Education, the ESERO-UK is part of a larger family of offices spread throughout Europe and established by ESA in collaboration with national and institutional partners active in science education.
The ESERO offices offer a full range of tailor-made resources and activities to primary and secondary school teachers and students. The focus is on training opportunities, workshops, and conferences for teachers, who will help today's youngsters to become more enthusiastic and interested in space sciences and technologies.
Space Education Quality Mark (SEQM) case studies
The Space Education Quality Mark (SEQM) is designed to support schools and colleges using the subject of space to inspire and engage their students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects. This set of four case studies demonstrates how different schools have benefitted from achieving the...
Evaluation of the European Space Education Resource Office
Published in 2012, NFER was commissioned by the National STEM Learning Centre and Network to evaluate the effectiveness and early impacts of the European Space Education Resource Office for the UK (ESERO-UK). ESERO-UK aims to promote the use of space as a context for enriching science, technology, engineering and...
The James Webb Space Telescope: Inspiration and Context for Physics and Chemistry Teaching
This article from School Science Review, describes the design, delivery, evaluation and impact of a CPD course for physics and chemistry teachers. A key aim of the course was to use the context of the James Webb Space Telescope project to inspire teachers and lead to enriched teaching of STEM subjects.
The Space Academy: Going Beyond ‘Inspiration’ – a Pioneering Model for Science Education
This School Science Review article outlines the Space Academy programme led by the National Space Centre from 2008 to 2011 with the stated goals of harnessing the inspirational contexts of space and climate change to support GCSE, A-level and vocational students in their curriculum studies as well as to enhance...