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Introduction to SAMHE

This short video introduces the SAMHE project and teachers share how they are using SAMHE and the benefits for their students, themselves and their schools. 


The Big Telescopes poster links ground and space based telescopes with the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that they are observing and their locations on Earth or in space.

The poster explains how larger telescopes allow scientists to learn more about the early universe and map our own galaxy with...

This film is about the art and theatre of delivering scientific demonstrations, why we do them and how to ensure they deliver the desired learning outcomes. It is important for teachers to consider what it is they want students to observe before carrying out a demonstration. Alom Shaha describes a technique called...

This set of subject criteria were produced by the Ofqual, the Welsh Assembly and CEA (Northern Ireland) for Awarding Bodies to produce subject specifications for use in 2011 GCSE Science, GCSE Additional Science, GCSE Additional Applied Science, GCSE Biology, GCSE Chemistry, and GCSE Physics. GCSE specifications...

This booklet from SCORE aims to help teachers to recognise and plan for a wide variety of high quality science practical work, ranging from out of the classroom learning to opportunities for students to practise specific techniques and procedures.

The booklet defines practical work in science and explains...

Getting started with your SAMHE monitor

This short unboxing video shows you what your SAMHE monitor looks like and how to start getting it set up. For information about how to request a STEM Ambassador, please visit this link...

Produced in 2007, this is an an International Review of Curriculum and Assessment (INCA) thematic probe to compare compulsory assessment systems which the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) asked National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) to undertake. It gathered information via the 20 INCA...

This resource contains a shorter and longer version of an assembly which can be used to introduce schools to SAMHE. If your school does not have a monitor, you can use the downloadable presentation below entitled 'Introduction to SAMHE: presentation NO MONITOR'.


SAMHE introductory...

This resource shows what the lights on the front of the SAMHE monitor mean, so that students and teachers can understand what the air quality is indoors.

Produced by LSIS, this interactive resource aims to support classroom practitioners in improving the quality of learning in practical science sessions. It is not a set of suggested practical activities to use in the classroom. Instead, it provides a framework for clarifying and achieving learning outcomes through...

Commissioned by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, this Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment review of teacher assessment in 2009 looked at teacher assessment in practice in a number of countries to see what works best and to consider the implications for Assessing Pupils’ Progress (APP...

From the British Science Association, these resources give useful guidance and tips for running a public engagement in science event. This could be as part of the Association's annual National Science & Engineering Week (NSEW). Two guides are included in these materials.


This guide, from the National STEM Learning Centre and Network, draws on the advice of a number of experienced senior science technicians on how to set up a technician network. A local science technician network is a great way to share expertise, solve problems, gather ideas and to carry out cost effective...

This report from Ofsted focused on the initial teacher training (ITT) in science for primary teachers. The inspection survey took place during the academic year 2000/01. At the time recent inspections of primary initial teacher training (ITT) had focused on training to teach either english or mathematics and also...
