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These INSET resources from the National Curriculum Council (NCC) provide a range of activities for teachers of Key Stages One to Four to help them achieve continuity and progression in their design and technology lessons. The programme gives a picture of the practice at the time (1991) in a rapidly changing area of...

This collection of resources has been written for design technology teachers to use primarily as part of the curriculum in lower secondary schools.  The resources also include a guide to the James Webb Space Telescope , written for teachers and STEM Ambassadors.

All activities include elements of design that...

A presentation highlighting seven strategies for behaviour management.

This report aimed to identify practical examples of good practice that promote good behaviour and that can be adopted by all schools. The authors identified aspects of practice that create the right conditions for good behaviour to be learnt. The authors further comment that whilst school staff work hard to support...

From the London Engineering Project, this document gives practical advice to practitioners about gender and cultural diversity, and suggests good practice in technology and engineering delivery.

A collection of resources linked to the London Marathon that explore:- 

  • the forces involved in running and specifically air resistance
  • the engineering involved in developing products such as advanced running shoes, or running blades for amputees and people born without legs, and sports...

Humans have landed on the Moon. These images, from NASA, show some of the Lunar rovers that have been involved in manned Lunar explorations and some that may be developed for future missions to the Moon.

In this video from Osiris Educational Bill Rodgers discusses his...

This collection provides 4 units of work linked to Design and Technology, which explore the need for exploration robots, how they work, how their systems collect data and an understanding of the specialised materials and mechanisms they use. All activities centre around the ExoMars Mission and the Rosalind Franklin...

This report draws upon evidence from design and technology (design and technology) subject survey visits by Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI) to primary and secondary schools between September 2007 and July 2010. The inspections evaluated how well the subject was meeting its National Curriculum aims and promoting high...

This edition of the Computing at School newsletter contains articles covering:

*Increasing the number of girls studying computing

*Inclusion in computing

*Network of Excellence and CAS Hubs

*Learning about programming through knitting

*Programming with GameMaker


This collection offers a selection of videos and career profiles to highlight the breath of STEM careers available. Some of the resources include experiments and classroom activities linked to the career theme, such as the Brian Cox school experiment...

The Education Reform Act of 1988 established, amongst other things, the idea of a National Curriculum (NC) for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The National Curriculum set out to “promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society”; and “prepare such...

A report from the National Curriculum Council (NCC). An initial consultation report in November 1988 proposed an ambitious, broad, integrated approach to a range of design and technology-related subjects explored through a wide variety of contexts. It recognised the complex relationship between the knowledge and...
