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This resource is an interview with Olivia - a fragrance finder.


This resource is an interview with Pavlina - a light painter.


This resource is an interview with Enass - a power pioneer.


This resource is an interview with Halvard - a robot maker.


This resource is an interview with Vinita - a spacesuit designer.


This resource is an interview with Todd - a sports car specialist.


“I am software engineer for ASOS, building technology that fundamentally changes how people experience fashion.”


This resource is an interview with Ala - an underground visionary


This resource is an interview with Alan - a walk wizard.


This resource is an interview with Daniela - a wonder maker.


This resource is an interview with Charles - a workout hacker.


This video introduces the difference that engineers make to society.


This video is a message to ESERO-UK from European Space Agency astronaut Tim Peake. He talks about studying STEM subjects and how he became an astronaut. The video includes images of a launch, Tim engaging in various astronaut training exercises and the International Space Station, where Tim will be for six months...


Inspire as many students as possible with inspiring and inclusive messages about engineering.

This 12-page guide is for ambassadors, teachers, advisers and anyone delivering engineering activities or talks to groups of young people. With a handy preparation checklist and sections on ‘embedding careers...
