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This is Engineering: power pioneer
This resource is an interview with Enass - a power pioneer.
"Enass, from Palestine, is an activist, business woman and entrepreneur. She co-founded H2GO, an engineering company developing new ways to store clean energy at the age of just 28. She completed a PhD at Cambridge University, after taking undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in applied chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Enass has always been an activist at heart. From a young age, she has thought about air pollution, climate change and the effects of burning oil and gas for energy on the environment. It was only during a trip to Africa when studying for her PhD, that Enass realised how much of a luxury electricity was, with some hospitals only receiving power for 12 hours of the day, and households rushing to do all their cooking and reading while the electricity lasts.
Enass saw this as a problem that engineering could fix, and in the process, help save lives and the environment too. She founded her own company straight out of Cambridge University - focussing on developing a hydrogen battery that would be able to store clean and renewable energy in countries without an electrical grid.
For Enass, engineering is simply about wanting to solve a problem and having the passion and the imagination to create a solution. It’s a combination of being creative and solving problems, and applying those two skills, while working in a team, to address some of the biggest problems humanity faces."
This resource forms part of the This is Engineering campaign.
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Power pioneer 91.06 MB