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In this lesson, students will learn about the properties of the different types of meteorites. They will then use this knowledge to make their own edible analogue of a chondrite meteorite to test their understanding. This lesson can be used as a general introduction to meteorites prior to obtaining the loan box....

In this activity, students will learn about the three main types of Earth rocks and make edible analogues to help explain how they form. They will then use the ideas from this activity to investigate and suggest what some of the samples in the meteorite hunters boxes might be.

Curriculum links:

  • ...

Aimed at primary learners, this resource aims to develop an understanding of some of the food chains within a woodland habitat. Linked to the topics of animals and all living things, it includes a matching activity, a game and a simulation of a food web. Teacher...

In this resource, produced by OPAL (Open Air Laboratories), children take part in a pond dipping session and then try to identify the different animals they find. A second activity looks at water quality and how the presence of certain species can indicate how clean the water is.

Designed for use in the...

This resource, produced by OPAL (Open Air Laboratories), aims to develop an awareness that there are different kinds of invertebrates in the environment which have different habitat requirements. It links to the topics of minibeasts, habitats and classification and is designed for use outside the classroom when...

Aimed at primary learners, this resource aims to develop an understanding of seed dispersal and the adaptation of bird beaks related to food choice. It is designed for use when visiting a wildlife area and links to the topic areas of plant life-cycles and interdependence and adaptation.

The materials,...

These materials aimed at primary learners explore how our senses can help us to learn about the natural environment. Linked to the topic areas of animals and habitats, they are designed for use when visiting a wildlife area. Most of the activities focus on one sense and...

This resource, produced by OPAL (Open Air Laboratories), aims to develop an understanding that there are different kinds of earthworms in the environment with different habitat requirements. Linked to the topic area of all living things and their habitats, it is designed for use outside the classroom when visiting...

This resource, produced by OPAL (Open Air Laboratories), helps children to recognise and name a variety of common plants and develop an understanding that plants have many uses. It is designed for use outside the classroom when visiting a wildlife area. Children are taken on a plant walk where they find pre-...

These materials, aimed at primary learners, use stories and narrative to explore and understand the environment around us. Designed for use outside the classroom when visiting a wildlife area, they link to the topic areas of plants and animals in the local environment...

Aimed at primary level, the twelve activities within this pack explore forces and solids, liquids and gases in the context of a birthday party for Albert Einstein. Designed to demonstrate key ideas and concepts and to spark an interest in science, they could be used in class or within a science week or club. The...

This Nuffield Primary Science Teachers’ Guide for teaching the Electricity and Magnetism topic, to students aged 5-7, is divided into three chapters:

*Chapter 1: Planning - showing how to use the resources to plan a...

A short starter activity for students of all ages. It would make a good introduction to lessons on robotics or artificial intelligence and could spark a discussion on how neural networks might be used to create human-like behaviour. Equally, when discussing HCI design, it might move the debate beyond keyboard and...

This resource supports teachers to make sense of Teacher assessment frameworks at the end of Key Stage 1 and 2. It provides an overview of the primary science curriculum showing how children may progress. The document also breaks down performance descriptors and highlights which topics are covered in each year...

These resources, from the HE STEM Programme South West, were produced  to enable academic staff, undergraduates, masters and PhD students in higher education institutions to undertake more effective outreach  through a better understanding of theory and practices with regard to school curricula and learning ...
