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This activity requires students to use computer software to try to save a space borne tourist attraction, AstroZoo, which has various exotic space creatures, but has fallen on hard times. The zoo was once a great success, but bad management has seen oxygen reserves exhausted, creature enclosures overpopulated,...

This activity introduces the idea of remote sensing and some of the difficulties of obtaining images from orbit by asking students to match photographs taken from the ground with early astronaut photographs.

A 100 metres football field could serve as a venue to compare distances in our Solar System. Hopefully, this exercise from ESA will add perspective to the vastness of our part of the Universe and to the learning of astronomy.

The application of mathematics is the focus of this resource, provided by the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching. Students are given information which relates to the layout of an athletics track and are guided through a series of activities that have been designed to prompt class discussion and develop...

This set of Cre8ate maths activities explores three ways in which retailers and product manufacturers may seek to persuade customers to either buy more of their product or encourage customer loyalty. In ‘Prize draw’ students explore sequences and series. ‘Offers’ involves money calculations and comparison of prices...

In this Nuffield investigation students explore limiting values of an iterative process, using arithmetic, algebra or spreadsheets. Students can move from identifying patterns to forming, verifying and proving conjectures.


This resource contains two excel files dealing with measures of central tendency, trend and spread for sets of discrete data.

Averages and...


 This resource uses the real-life context of the British America’s Cup team INEOS TEAM UK.  The video shows the crucial role of data collection and analysis in developing the performance of both the boat and crew and the importance of maths in that data analysis.  

Students will...

The BBC micro:bit is a great tool for carrying out surveys that involve quickly counting and recording one or two variables. Using the button inputs provides a simple interface to the device allowing, for instance, quick tallying of the numbers of two different types of bee around a plant. Other examples might...

This sample of Badger Maths Problem Solving, includes skills and strategies for practical problem solving in Years One to Six. The series supports the NNS objectives, teaching both skills and strategies for problem solving. It also provides plenty of vital practice. Each resource contains an example of a four-step...

This resource uses the context of the INEOS TEAM UK America's cup base in Portsmouth for students to explore the factors surrounding, using and installing solar panels on the roof of the building.  It includes the modeling required to maximise the roof area that can be used for solar panels and the data anlysis...

This resource is based on two aspects of the design of bar codes used for products on sale in shops. The first aspect is that of a check digit and how it works; the second aspect is that of the actual design for the strips of numbers that make up bar codes. This...

This MEP resource from CIMT is taken from text book 9A which covers the mathematics scheme of work for the first half of year 9.

Base arithmetic covers: binary numbers, adding and subtracting binary numbers, multiplying binary numbers and other number bases.

The initial file forms part of the...

This resource features a task that explores the use of equations in a practical context.

The task considers ordering jerseys for a baseball team. Two companies are approached and their costings are given. Students set up equations to model the costs. Having done this the problem becomes one of determining...

Three RISP activities designed to introduce or consolidate basic algebraic skills.

Brackets Out, Brackets In: students are asked to insert integers into a statement containing brackets in order to...
