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This lesson sets the scene for the study of the Lunar Discs, and gets students to think about the contexts and history leading to the collection of the Lunar samples in the loan boxes. By considering the events of the space race, role playing taking a moonwalk, and considering the actions of the astronauts,...

This activity is designed to assess whether or not children understand that although computers can sometimes look clever, they do not actually display any intelligence. They are asked to compare a computer with a human and then describe how both the computer and the human cope with the unexpected.


Produced in 2009-2010, Assessing Pupils Progress (APP) was produced by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) and is a structured approach to periodic assessment, written to enable teachers to use diagnostic information about students’ strengths and weaknesses and to track students’ progress.


Introduction to SAMHE

This short video introduces the SAMHE project and teachers share how they are using SAMHE and the benefits for their students, themselves and their schools. 


This lesson or enrichment activity investigates recursive algorithms using Fibonacci series.

It begins with an engaging maths magic trick ‘how to fake a super brain’ that uses a special property of Fibonacci numbers, and proceeds to look at the Golden Ratio in nature and its ‘beautiful’ properties.


This introduction to using the small programmable robot, the BeeBot, introduces children to creating simple programs. They learn the importance of sequences of accurate instructions, and test their sequences out using a 'fakebot' or paper-robot. Children are encouraged to debug and develop their sequences before...

Beginnings, from the Nuffield Mathematics Project, is concerned principally with students in their first few years at school and how their experiences of life gradually extend their mathematical thinking.

This guide is a 'beginning' in another way; it is concerned with some of the basic ideas at the...

This is the parallel Guide, from the Nuffield Mathematics Project, to Beginnings (Circle series). It deals with the early awareness of both the meaning of number and the relationships which can emerge from everyday experiences of environmental play: measuring, length, capacity, area, time and size.

This document, published by SCORE (Science Community Representing Education), provides guidance to primary schools on the resources needed to carry out practical work, to ensure that all children receive a well-rounded science education. The benchmarks show the levels of resourcing that SCORE considers necessary to...

The Big Telescopes poster links ground and space based telescopes with the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that they are observing and their locations on Earth or in space.

The poster explains how larger telescopes allow scientists to learn more about the early universe and map our own galaxy with...

Aimed at primary level, this pack contains a range of different activities based on the theme of Earth. The activities cover a mixture of topics including: identifying plants and animals, habitats and food webs. Designed for use in class or as part of a science week or club, they promote investigative work and...

This resource aimed at primary level, links to the topics of rocks and soils, evolution and the identification and classification of plants and animals. It tells the story of three great biologists: ...

This resource pack, aimed at primary learners, links to the topic areas of properties of materials, adaptation and life processes by looking at birds and the nests they build.

An introductory presentation looks at the reasons why birds build nests, different types of nests, where they are found and the...

In this activity, children develop field skills in animal identification and compare extinct animals with their living descendants. They take part in a 20 minute birdwatching survey in their school grounds, identifying and recording different birds that they see. They consider the characteristics of all birds, then...

In this lesson children investigate the insulating properties of blubber and consider how the adaptations of Arctic organisms help develop these.

Children imagine what it would be like to live in a really cold place like the Arctic. How would they keep themselves warm?

