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This activity for younger children introduces algorithms and algorithmic thinking. After first planning how to draw numbers using the simple commands available, children then program a BeeBot to create the shapes (BeeBots are a type of simple programmable rover). By watching and feeding back on each other's efforts...

For lower-primary children with some understanding of algorithms, this Barefoot Computing activity uses a basic robot (BeeBot) to show how algorithms are executed as stored programs on digital devices. Simple sequences of instructions are given to the BeeBot to 'write' numbers. These algorithms are represented by...

Beginnings, from the Nuffield Mathematics Project, is concerned principally with students in their first few years at school and how their experiences of life gradually extend their mathematical thinking.

This guide is a 'beginning' in another way; it is concerned with some of the basic ideas at the...

This is the parallel Guide, from the Nuffield Mathematics Project, to Beginnings (Circle series). It deals with the early awareness of both the meaning of number and the relationships which can emerge from everyday experiences of environmental play: measuring, length, capacity, area, time and size.

This report from Ofsted looks at low level classroom disruption. Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector (HMCI) raised concerns about low-level disruption in schools in his Annual Report 2012/13. As a consequence, guidance to inspectors was tightened to place greater emphasis on this issue in routine inspections. In addition...

This collection of Beta Mathematics resources, published by Schofield & Sims, was developed to cater for students of average or below average ability many of whom may have had reading difficulties. The course is covered at a slower pace than the Alpha Mathematics series. It also utilises suitable apparatus and...

This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the first in the Beta Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by students of junior and middle school age. The structure is replicated in other books of the series and there are frequent...

This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the second in the Beta Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by students of junior and middle school age. It continues the theme of previous books and allows students to review and extend their...

This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the third in the Beta Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by students of junior and middle school age. It continues the theme of previous books and allows students to review and extend their...

This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the fourth in the Beta Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by students of junior and middle school age. It continues the theme of previous books and allows students to review and extend their...

This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the fifth in the Beta Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by students of junior and middle school age. It continues the theme of previous books and allows students to review and extend their...

This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the sixth in the Beta Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by students of junior and middle school age. It continues the theme of previous books and allows students to review and extend their...

This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the first in the Beta Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by students of junior and middle school age. The structure of this book is replicated in other books of the series and there are...

Simple and more advanced historical data sheets of survey data submitted by schools in previous years that can be used to answer statistical questions such as 'In which year did classes report the lowest number of starlings?' or 'Did we see more or fewer of each species than the average numbers from last year?'...

These activities, aimed at primary children, link to aspects of design and technology and literacy. Children follow recipes to make a variety of food for birds including pine cone lardy seed feeders, suet nut log and edible pictures.

This activity is part of the...
