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This 'concept card' from the Barefoot collection explains 'computational thinking': *What it is *Why it is important *What it looks like in the primary curriculum *How to find out more It supports teacher understanding to improve their teaching of the Barefoot activities.

Developed for use in Early Years, these resources link to aspects of physical development, understanding the world and communicating ideas, they also aid vocabulary development and group work. The activities encourage children to try new foods and use their senses to describe them. They also look at hygiene and...

This edition of the Computing at School newsletter focuses broadly on computing in primary schools, and contains articles covering:

*The new National Curriculum Programme of Study for Computing

*Designing a new computing curriculum in your school; adapting previous curriculum models


Published in 1991 by the Scottish Office Education Department, the Assessment 5-14 guidance provided a basis for effective, coherent and manageable assessment of students' achievements in relation to standards of attainment set out in the 5-14 curriculum guidelines. Covering planning, teaching, recording of...

Published in September 2010, this summary of an online survey looks at design and technology (D&T) teachers’ attitudes towards CPD.

The full collection of STEM Learning impact and evaluation research reports can be viewed here

This activity aims to help children to recognise fruit and vegetables as a healthy snack in a balanced diet, perform simple food skills safely with a focus on cutting and mixing and to present food in an attractive way. This session contains a lesson plan, an advice sheet to support setting up cooking with your...

Children and young people need attractive, accessible school buildings.  ‘Inclusive’ design can enable and empower those with SEN and disabilities to participate fully in life at school and in the wider community. This building bulletin draws together information to help everyone involved in designing these schools...

This collection of lesson activity and enrichment day resources links computing to other curriculum areas in creative ways. Unplugged as well as on-screen activities are provided, featuring contributions from various organisations. Some activities require additional paid resources whilst most make use of free...

Aimed at primary aged children, this collection provides cross-curricular activities linked to the Dippy on Tour: A Natural History Adventure from 2020 which saw the Natural History Museum's iconic Diplodocus cast, Dippy, on a Natural History Adventure across the UK. Resources...

This resource pack contains eight activities based around water and personal finance education. Each activity is aimed at a specific age group at primary level and provides curriculum links to aspects of mathematics, science and PSHE. The activities are:

*[b]Needs and wants associated with water[/b]-Assess...

ENTHUSE Partnership funding enables groups of four to eight schools and colleges to work together, with support from STEM Learning on a two-year intensive programme to raise aspiration and achievement in STEM subjects. Each Partnership can access up to £20,000 worth of support, including face-to-face CPD, in-school...

Aimed at primary learners, these resources link to aspects of mathematics, geography, science and computing.The activities use early astronaut photographs to encourage children to think about what features on the Earth look like from space, and satellite images to enable students to measure the growth of a city and...

Easter is traditionally the time when the Easter bunny arrives with chocolate eggs and treats. This collection of resources highlight activities around the themes of eggs, chocolate and rabbits.

It includes:

  • investigations involving chocolate and egg shells
  • some mathematical activities...

From the British Nutrition Foundation, in partnership with the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB...
