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This resource from the Department for Education provides some useful tips on how to organise a successful STEM careers day: from contacting your local STEM broker and organising exciting activities to involving sixth formers and STEM local employers.

This STEMNET activity case study describes how STEM Ambassador Felix Schubert shadowed another engineer, Ross Wattie, to learn the skills needed to present sessions for groups of students.

Felix was asked to do four sessions of a science workshop for 120 primary school children but felt apprehensive about...

In this STEMNET activity case study, design engineer and STEM Ambassador David Bennett describes how valuable he believes STEMNET activities are for schools.

David devotes about two days per month to STEMNET activities. He helps with careers events, advising students on what employers are looking for, how to...

This STEMNET activity case study describes the STEM Ambassador work of Research Engineer Jonathan Dewsbury at a primary school in Hampshire. Jonathan showed children how to build high towers and is putting together a bridge building challenge for the Year 6 classes.

Jonahtan said, "The children respond...

This STEMNET activity case study describes how Tim Moss, a maintenance engineer, worked with an Engineering Diploma teacher, Chris Hallgarth, to implement a practical programme to support a new Engineering Diploma qualification. This programme brought engineering to life, giving students an insight into 'real life...

This STEMNET activity case study describes how Colin Glen, a project manager for a construction company, is motivating future engineers through his work as a STEM Ambassador.

Along with a variety of other Ambassadors, Colin took part in a Business in Maths day at his old secondary school, talking to students...

This STEMNET activity case study describes the work of Lee Betts, who works at RAF Cosford, for the STEM Ambassador network and Engineering Education Scheme.

Lee trains other STEM Ambassadors to undertake activities and is also involved in the WISE (Women into Science, Engineering and Construction)...

In this STEMNET activity case study, Kate Woolley describes a construction skills day at a language college for girls. The pupils were allocated 'real' roles on which their hands-on tasks were based. Kate also gave a presentation about civil engineering, using famous buildings as examples.

Since becoming a...

In this STEMNET activity case study, STEM Ambassador Danny Finn describes how valuable engineering role models can be for students.

Danny describes a careers event called 'What's my line?' which gave pupils a chance to speak to professionals about their work. For this event, he brought pictures and models...

In this STEMNET activity case study, Graduate Engineer Andrew Keen describes a 'real life' project that he designed for sixth formers which involved developing an engine component. The Fuel Systems Team of his company was so impressed with the project that it is now working on a prototype component.


This STEMNET activity case study describes the many activities that STEM Ambassador Caron Malone has been involved with. These include designing and making 'intelligent clothing' with primary school children, a Smart Energy workshop and careers day talks. Caron is particularly keen to involve more girls in STEM...

In this STEMNET activity case study, STEM Ambassador Chris Robbins describes how he works with children and teachers on projects such as building a musical dinosaur crest out of plumbing materials. This gave pupils hands-on engineering experience and an understanding of acoustics.

"You have to learn to...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Nathan Kan, a Senior Airworthiness Engineer.

Nathan works for QinetiQ, a company which provides technology-based services to the defence, security and related markets. It also delivers consultancy services to commercial and...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Lee Betts, an avionics technician with the RAF. Lee describes how new recruits undertake basic training, work in a front-line squadron and then undertake further specialists training.

Lee's role involves fixing the radar, flight...

These two Future Morph resources aim to show students that there is a wide choice of options open to those who study sciences and mathematics. The resources consist of:

Career examples list

The list covers six...
