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This report from Ofsted draws on the results of visits by inspectors to 94 primary, 94 secondary schools and two special schools between June 2007 and March 2010. These schools were selected broadly to represent the profile of schools in England, but excluded schools in Ofsted’s categories of concern. It also draws...

The aim of this survey was to analyse the elements of successful nurture group provision and the difference that nurture groups make to the outcomes for students. Nurture groups are small, structured teaching groups for students showing signs of behavioural, social or emotional difficulties, particularly those who...

This report, published by the Science and Engineering Education Advisory Group in January 2012, addresses many of the challenges and opportunities arising in implementation of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) as it affects the delivery of STEM education and engagement. It examines the ways in which STEM...

This research, commissioned by the Wellcome trust, was undertaken by an interdisciplinary team led by Ralph Levinson and Dr Sheila Turner at the Institute of Education, University of London between May 1st and December 1st 1999.

The project reports on five main areas:

• The perceived importance...

Produced by the Department for Children Schools and Families and the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency, this 2010 document lays out the size, nature and procedures around the sample of Key Stage Two science tests that was implemented after testing of all students was discontinued in 2009.

Published in June 2002, this article, by Shirley Simon, looks at applying Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education (CASE) theory to planning and teaching Thinking Science lessons for students with different needs.

Using Thinking Science with mixed-ability classes can be challenging...

This report was intended to provide a longer term perspective on changes taking place in students’ understanding over the compulsory school years. The topic of air was chosen on the basis both of its importance throughout school science and its accessibility to students...

Commissioned by the Wellcome Trust in association with the ASE this report discusses the effects of compulsory national testing in science on Year Six teachers and the teaching of science in England, as well as the impact of the abolition of statutory testing in science at Key Stage Two in 2004 on Year Six teachers...

The number of children aged seven and under who are excluded from primary schools is very small and comprises a tiny proportion of children of this age from a very small proportion of schools. Nevertheless, some children of this age group are receiving fixed-period exclusions, occasionally leading to permanent...

Published in 2015, the Wellcome Trust worked with the National STEM Learning Centre and Network to develop an intensive continuing professional development (CPD) programme for primary teachers to improve their expertise, in order to become Primary Science Leaders in their schools.

The Trust commissioned the...

This IPSE publication from the Association for Science Education (ASE) presents findings from the evaluation of the Local Education Authorities (LEAs) taking part in the Government funded scheme for promoting science in primary schools, 1985-8. The different LEAs adopted a wide variety of strategies for developing...

This report, published in February 2015, discusses the findings of ‘The Visible Classroom’ project, which ...

This article, by L. Chapman, published in June 2002,  presents a small-scale case study of science assessment for students with special educational needs. The discussion is based on the appropriateness of the assessments as a means of monitoring achievement and in setting targets. It is argued that National...

Published in June 2015. Thinking, doing, talking science (TDTS) is a new approach to primary school science that...

This report evaluates an interactive exhibition on toads, held in 2011 as part of National Science and Engineering Week. The exhibition led by young people on Froglife’s Green Pathways scheme showed an exciting and innovative way of communicating the plight of toads on the roads. It looks at how the exhibits were...
