
A level physics practical - polarisation of microwaves

This simple demonstration shows how plane polarised microwaves respond to rotating a filter (metal strips attached to plastic) through 90⁰. 

The experiment can be extended by measuring the intensity of microwaves detected by the receiver at different filter angles and so showing Malus’s law.

Publication date:
2010 to 2019

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These diagnostic questions and response activities (contained in the zip file) support students in being able to:

  • Recognise that a catalyst increases the rate of formation of new substances by increasing the rate of a chemical reaction.           
  • Recognise that increasing the surface area of...
Publication date:
2020 to date

2 files

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Circles in triangles

The task shows a circle or radius r that just touches the sides of a right triangle whose sides are 3 units, 4 units, and 5 units long. A square is constructed from the right angle with length r so that one of its vertices is at the centre of the circle. Further lines are constructed from the centre of the circle...

Publication date:
2010 to 2019

4 files

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Dispensing Optics

This short ...

Publication date:
2010 to 2019

1 file

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Dynamic equilibrium

These diagnostic questions and response activities (contained in the zip file) support students in being able to:

  • Recognise that a reactant added in excess will still be present in the final reaction mixture.         
  • Recognise that some chemical reactions are reversible.
  • Recognise...
Publication date:
2020 to date

2 files

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Electrophoresis gel with annotation

Di-deoxy sequencing is a way to determine the order of bases (A,C,G and T) in a piece of DNA. A set of 4 lanes (one for each base) is needed to sequence any given piece of DNA. Wherever a black
band appears in a particular lane that base is present. By reading off the order of bands across the four lanes the...

Publication date:
2010 to 2019

1 file

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Heroes and villains of the plant world

From cinchona to coffee, humans have exploited properties of plants. But does our favouritism or misuse turn these plants into heroes and villains? Explore the plants that provide us with essential products, from food to medicines and insecticides.

Publication date:
2010 to 2019

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Human chromosome image

A 3-D movie that journeys into the human cell revealing a chromosome’s centromere.

Courtesy: National Human Genome Research Institute.

This resource is part of the Post 16 genetics and genomics collection of resources.

Publication date:
2010 to 2019

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Investigating craters

In this resource children are encouraged to find out about the impact craters left behind after meteorite collisions. The investigation includes exploring whether different kinds of meteorite make different kinds of crater. Children will also investigate the size of impact craters made by meteorites dropped from...

Publication date:
2020 to date

1 file

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