Resources by Fixperts

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Big Ideas - S01

The 'big ideas' section of the Fixpert's resource focuses on big ideas. It introduces students to designing as an approach to problem solving and to designing for the real world and real problems. In particular, students are encouraged to consider different users and their needs, along with ergonomics and human-...

Development - S04

The ‘development’ section of the Fixpert's resource focuses on creating and testing a prototype for an outcome that meets their fix partner’s needs. Students build critical skills through evaluation and they practice design decision making that balances design ideas against user needs. Activities include a focus on...

Discovery - S03

The ‘discovery’ section of the Fixpert's resource focuses on developing skills and confidence relating to design thinking. It works well as a starter for an in-depth design lesson. Structured activities help students to view their surroundings with fresh eyes and think outside the box. Ideation techniques are...


Fixperts is an award-winning, hands-on learning programme that challenges young people to use their imagination and skills to create ingenious solutions to everyday problems. The programme is equally relevant to design and technology, engineering and as a STEM enrichment activity.  

This set of resources can...

Fixperts is a learning programme which challenges young people to work with real people to create ingenious solutions to their everyday problems. A Fixpert's project offers students the opportunity to collaborate with a real person and identify a real need in someone’s life. Students work in teams to research and...

Getting Started - S02

The ‘getting started’ section of the Fixpert's resource focuses finding a 'fix partner' and identifying a design problem they experience. Structured activities are provided for developing interview skills, along with an activity considering the needs of someone with limited dexterity or mobility.

Introduction to Fixperts - S00

The ‘introduction to Fixperts ’ section of the Fixpert's resource introduces the Fixpert framework and how it breaks down the design process into 6 stages. It provides examples of schemes of work, curriculum links and a set of frequently asked questions. A student log book is also provided that students can use to...

Production - S05

The ‘production’ section of the Fixpert's resource focuses on producing a  high-quality working prototype that meets the problem described in the original design brief. Activities that support this section include: ‘hack a toothbrush’, starting points for innovative ideas, and making paper bowls. These activities...

S06 Presentation

The ‘presentation’ section of the Fixpert's resource focuses on documenting the Fixpert's project in the form of a film, presentation, folder, blog or any other medium students choose. It encourages students to be reflective and critical of their practice, along with developing presentation and story-telling skills...

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